Roster and scaling help

bk201 Posts: 94 Match Maker
edited July 2016 in Roster and Level Help
Hi all experts! I've been playing for a while and now I'm facing all those scaling issues. When I started playing, pulled a LT from vault and as I was unaware about the scaling that time, opened it and got a 5* Spiderman purpleflag.png . It helped me a lot through several PvE and PvP events but lately it's really hard to top 100 in both. I managed to top 10 in a few events but I think I'm in veteran brackets now. I know as a long-term player I must think ahead and shouldn't sell it, even though it serves only as tank till get the other powers. What do you think?

Last week I was kinda lucky pulling the following covers from heroic tokens and vaults from past events, I have enough HP for one slot and think I'll manage to get the rest for another one next week. As I'm in 2-3* transition and as a top 3*, I must get Luke Cage. So, the questions are:

- Which ones should I get beside LC? Caps? Should I worry about Beast, Bullseye, Ragnarok and Spider Gwen?
- Deadpool and Beast will expire in 2 days (LC - 9days), should I roster them anyway and sell anything from my roster and make space for others, mainly LC and Caps?
- Or should I sell the 5*, see if scaling gets better and make room for one 3*/4*?
- As I have 2* Thor and OBW at 120, if I didn't misunderstood from other topics, scaling considers your 3 strongest, so there's no problem levelling the 3* that I already have 9 covers (I know 10 is the recommendation)?

4* icon_deadpool.pngpurpleflag.pngredflag.png (2 days)
3* icon_beast.pnggreenflag.pngblueflag.png (2 days)
3* icon_lukecage.pngyellowflag.png
3* icon_bullseye.pnggreenflag.png
4* icon_spidergwen.pngredflag.png
3* icon_captainamerica.pngredflag.pngblueflag.png
3* icon_ragnarok.pngredflag.png


  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Here's my quick 2 cents based on what I see and your roster:

    1. I think I would recommend keeping your 5* Spider-Man at this time unless you really feel like scaling is killing you. Your 2*-3* roster is starting to develop enough that dumping it at this junction is probably going to cause more pain long-term than keeping it, but I wouldn't fault you for selling either.

    2. Don't be afraid of leveling any of your mid-top tier 3*s at this point. Your Cyclops as an example is definitely ISO-ready even if he's missing his yellow. Blade and most definitely Fist are deserving of ISO in my opinion with the covers you have. Leveling them as far as you can is going to help more than hurt now, especially when you get the covers to bring them to 166.

    3. Who to roster depends on your Hero Point situation. Out of the list you've posted, I would absolutely try to get Luke Cage, 4* DP, 3* Cap, and maybe Spider-Gwen (maybe). Beast in my opinion is alright, but I usually only use him if he's boosted. 3* Cap and Luke are absolutely helpful even when not boosted. Ragnarok is an easy sell at this point. Bullseye is fun, but one cover right now isn't going to be game-breaking.

    If you need to sell characters to make room, sell Colossus and don't feel bad about it. Others you might consider dumping are She-Hulk, 3* Spider-Man, possibly Rocket & Groot. Pretty much every 3* character has its merits, but those are characters I use less often than others. I have 30 champion 3*s, and the only one of those that I have champed right now is R&G. They're fun and actually decent even unboosted, but YMMV.

    I don't mind the thought of selling your 2* Captain Marvel, but you DO have her fully covered and she gives 3* Marvel covers as champ rewards (who you also have pretty well-covered), so I'm hesitant to say do it. The Cap Marvels aren't all that great on the whole, but they are underrated, and her 3* is definitely useful when boosted too.
  • bk201
    bk201 Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Thanks for your reply Smudge! Sorry for my late reply, I was on a trip and couldn't access the forums from my phone's browser, don't know why.

    Update: I got 4* DP with the extra slot before it expires just to ensure it in case anyone recomends. I think I'll get enough HP to roster LC before it expires, but to get 3* Cap probably I'll need to sell one character to make room. When I read your answer, had to make a quick decision about Beast, so I've sold She-Hulk and got him. I think he isn't that great but his yellow can be very helpful and his green is a good AOE. I know I'm very very far from 4* land, but thinking ahead, Beast gives Jean Grey covers (I was pretty lucky to get 2 blues of her), which is better than TA Hulk provided by She-Hulk.

    1. Well, thinking in the long-term, I'll keep the 5* for now and see if I can place better in the events. Sometimes in PvP I have to skip several teams till I face one I can handle. Lately I'm facing a lot of teams having 2 5* with a few covers, so mine isn't useful at all in those battles. In PvE, sometimes it's just hard to win the final nodes, even when my covers are buffed, I lose a few battles even against teams that are just 10 levels above me.

    2. I'll start putting more ISO on those 3* you've recommended. What do you think about GSBW, Gamora, Quicksilver and Mohawk? Are they worth levelling up? Which one can be more useful at this transition stage?

    About those you've recommended selling, I only have doubts about 3* Spiderman and R&G. Spiderman doesn't do any damage but a lot of people say it's a great support character. I do agree with She-Hulk and Colossus, comparing with others 3* they seem rather weak and as I have few covers of them, they are good selling options. R&G seems a good tanking option due to its yellow, even though I don't have it. Even weaker, IMO, is Vision. Is it worth getting all covers to level him up? Or is it another selling option, maybe instead of 3* Spiderman or R&G?

    I didn't sell 2* Cap Marvel just to champ her and get the rewards. In fact, I champed Hawkeye and Torch to get the covers just before when they were needed in DDQ. For now, I'm keeping her for this purpose, unless she becomes the last selling option.

    3. Summing up: rosted 4* DP and Beast, sold She-Hulk. I'm trying to get enough HP to roster LC but don't know if I'll get enough for 3* Caps, looking for more comments about who to sell. Sold Ragnarok. Didn't sell Bullseye yet, if I'll get more cover, maybe I replace anyone with him, but just if it worths. Spider-Gwen will wait too, but probably will sell her.