Jean Grey vs. Jean Grey

EDL666 Posts: 73
It is from my understanding that passive abilities that trigger off the same event should trigger from the current team first and from the opposing team after. For example, if I match purpletile.png tiles and I have Spider-Man in my team, it should create purpletile.png Protect tiles before the opposing Bullseye makes his enemyprotect.png. However, this is often not the case and it's really hard to reproduce consistently. I did find a particular matchup where it always happens, at least for me. If I have Pheonix and I make a match-5 while there are special tiles on the board, it never fires if Jean Grey(All New X-Men) is in the opposing team because she fires her passive first, stunning my team. I understand that my team is supposed to get stunned, but I'm pretty sure all the passives that should fire off of that specific match-5 should fire before my team gets stunned.