Helping D3

Punatulkku Posts: 228
Hi, i thought to help you guys cause you have somekind of thinking barriers against ideas.

Add A.I.M soldiers as grunts. shieldbreaker, toxin thrower etc?

Start adding villains more, make more storylines, perhaps every hero should get own 2-3 long prologue which would give one cover of that colour, but you need that hero to open that storyline.

Remove all under 200-iso rewards. Game has moved on, so should rewards.

Add new token. 3-4* token and remove basic tokens from daily logins past 150days with this token.

Lisen your customers, the people who pay your salaries. The more appealing and fun the game is, the EASIER gamers open their wallets.

Talk with us, we have tons of ideas that will make this game better, your job is to lisen and talk with us to see future shining brighter. Not just sit on corner desk and being grumby...