Peggy Carter "For Victory" Legendary Presence issue

eMaRDi Posts: 24 Just Dropped In

Some days ago, I played a "For Victory" match. As Peggy Carter is on both teams, both teams were affected of "Legendary Presence" (higher costs for abilities).
After I downed enemy Peggy Carter I felt that the enemy team sped up as well. Checking the ressource requirement of the enemy team I learned that after enemy Peggy Carter was downed, "Legendary Presence" seemed to no longer affect both teams.

It is quite annoying to "slug" through seemingly endless rounds to down an opponent character just to see that his other characters will also benefit of this "loss".

Technically I understand that it could be difficult to differentiate between two abilities running as long as a character is up on both teas with the same ability.
I see three options:

a) If both teams have Peggy Carter, negate the effect altogether (however this would be unfair of one side downs Peggy Carter)
b) Check every round which team has a Peggy Carter and refresh accordingly (I assume currently this is only checked at the beginning of the match and if "a" Peggy Carter is downed)
c) similar to other already in place mechanics: place a yellow countdown tile (1 turn) if not present at the beginning of a turn and which refreshes itself as long as Peggy Carter is alive. This tile causes "Legendary Presene" - effect (this way each team would have one yellow tile).


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    You don't have to take Peggy out of the fight to cancel her passive, you just have to take her below a certain health threshold. You had probably taken enough damage on your Peggy to cause this by the time you took the enemy Peggy out of the fight and noticed the enemy skill costs had changed.