Please Run a Test Pve on a Heroic Event

babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
edited July 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
This is a simple plea to ensure one of the suggested test PvE's appear on a Heroic PvE Limited Roster Event.

Why do I feel this is important?

Many of your players would agree that Heroic events as they stand now on the 'old pve' system is already VERY challenging and demanding on resources.

Now consider the fact that all of the test PvE's have considerably ramped up the challenge and resource spending demanded from your players. I can't even imagine what a 9th clear super scaled limited roster node would look like with the roster options we have in the current Juggs pve. Something tells me boosted Cho, Gwen and Miles would endlessly wipe at the hands of level 450 goon feeder node.

The point of this test wouldn't be to torture your players but hopefully to showcase what I fear is an attempt to make PvE unreasonably punishing. Any scaling failures in a traditional pve event are amplified in Heroic events and this needs to be considered before going live with any changes.

1) Run a Heroic Test PvE before going live with any new changes

2) Ensure the limited roster for said event is at best mediocre.
The test won't be effective if we happen to have access to several top tier 3*'s and 4*'s to carry us through it. In fact, comparing the roster selection and data you get for the current Juggs Heroic against the IDENTICAL roster selection for the new test pve format would probably be in your best interest.

3) Use that data to determine if adjustments need to be made to scaling as a whole or simply within Heroic events themselves.

Personal Note:
I'm probably in the minority of the playerbase when I say that I actually enjoy the Heroic PvE format. Limited roster events are great as they bring some much needed variety to the repetitive gameplay. My only issue is that Heroics feel too punishing in their current form. It takes what should be a vacation from the standard teams and turns it into a somewhat frustrating sometimes unfair experience. Tone down the scaling even further to respect the fact that teams rarely synergize well and you'd suddenly have my new favorite event in the game.


  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would like the heroic pve's if they weren't so challenging. It's less fun when each node obliterates three of your characters, and you only have around 9 good ones to choose from. And I don't waste healthpacks on pves, so it means limited play, and little chance of hitting the 25 cp progression prize (the only prize that matters).
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    babinro wrote:

    Personal Note:
    I'm probably in the minority of the playerbase when I say that I actually enjoy the Heroic PvE format. Limited roster events are great as they bring some much needed variety to the repetitive gameplay.
    I agree with this, but I do wish they would give the characters a bit more thought and not just have some random bunch thrown together. This latest grouping is about the worst I can ever remember. Little to no synergy between characters, and a lot of fighting over 1 color (purple in this case).

    I typically hit max progression in all events, but I think I'm finally going to take a break on this particular Heroic.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    babinro wrote:

    Personal Note:
    I'm probably in the minority of the playerbase when I say that I actually enjoy the Heroic PvE format. Limited roster events are great as they bring some much needed variety to the repetitive gameplay.
    I agree with this, but I do wish they would give the characters a bit more thought and not just have some random bunch thrown together. This latest grouping is about the worst I can ever remember. Little to no synergy between characters, and a lot of fighting over 1 color (purple in this case).

    I typically hit max progression in all events, but I think I'm finally going to take a break on this particular Heroic.

    They need to stop using random everywhere. As you said this particular bunch is HORRIBLE, for the first time ever I am seriously considering just stop playing and not trying to reach the final progression reward. This would be the first time I would not reach that since the introduction of the 25CPs/LT, and I think is a testament of how horrible this Heroic selection of heroes is.

    In my particular case I am in the 4->5 transition, with 12 champed 4s, and I can't use any of them. I am using Doom+HT in almost all nodes. They have 0 synergy together, but at least they are almost a rainbow team. I am even using OBW a lot !!!

    As babinro said difficulty in the new PvE format is going to be nightmarish in Heroics!

    I also agree this events should be easier than normal. Again we are playing for the same rewards but with a bigger difficulty (smaller roster, fewer team combinations, etc.), this makes no sense. We need bigger rewards or lower difficulty.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    While I agree a test might be important, I can't thumb-up any topic that includes the words "Please run a PVE heroic"