2-to-3* transiter LF alliance.

edited March 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Now that there are alliance tourneys, I have a reason to join one!

Current roster: 26, farming for 27.
Maxed Thor / Daken.
13/13 OBW, 2*Wolvie, both around the 70 range (ISO is going elsewhere).
13/13 C.Storm, CapAmerica, both sitting in the 30s-50s.
12/13 Ares.
6/10 Ragnarok, 52 (current ISO sink).
5/10 Hulk, 53.
After that, a smattering of 2*s and 3*s with 2-6 covers each.

I play daily, EST (GMT+6). I typically do enough to get HP in each tournament, or if it looks possible, push and get a 3* (or even 2*) cover I need to progress.

Thank you for your time.