Does Iron Fist pair well with Human Torch?

h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
edited July 2016 in MPQ Character Discussion
Hi guys,

I started MPQ again from scratch after like 1 year break and am currently in transition to star.pngstar.pngstar.png land.

I am currently having some stockpiled CPs commandpoints.png and planning to invest it for buying extra cover for my Iron Fist (who's currently at 2/1/2). My best covered star.pngstar.pngstar.png character is Human Torch (with 4/3/3), so I am thinking of making these two as my new primary team for PvP.

But I am currently not sure if they would work well together, so I am looking for some advice from those who have these well covered if it worth investing commandpoints.png to buy purpleflag.png or blackflag.png for IF (+ level him up).

My thinking is:
Collect purpletile.png and redtile.png ; use IF purpleflag.png to feed blacktile.png ; use HT redflag.png to do some serious single target damage, stockpile black above 12, fire off IF purpleflag.png to do some single target damage and then unleash inferno with HT blackflag.png . Occasionally prioritize HT greenflag.png over IF, when stockpiled greentile.png exceeds 10. This I presume would finish most fights rather quickly. (But I lack the practice since I haven't used any of these two seriously back when I had better roster...)

Alternatively I was also thinking to invest the CP commandpoints.png to buy extra greenflag.png for HT, but I realize that this might break the MMR for me in PvP if I level up HT too quickly.



  • himatako
    himatako Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    Investing into IF is a great idea regardless of whether you are going to pair him with HT or not, I think. He's a good character with many uses. Frankly, I find that I use him more often than HT. (I have both of them championed btw.)

    Regarding pairing him with HT, I can't see them work together that well. HT's black create attack tiles, which mean IF will stop creating attack tile automatically if his is destroyed. This can sometime leaves you with one weak attack tile instead of a strong one from IF.

    I think HT works better with a green feeder, since his Flame Jet can do some serious damage every turn if you have enough green.

    So yeah they could work together, as you have shown, but I'd would probably not pick this team if I have a choice.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I Think you should save your CP until you are ready to move on to fourstar land. Threestar covers come around in the DDQ and through PvE/PvP rewards, so you'll get them just fine with a Little patience.
    As for the specific pairing, I am a Little concerned that bot Torch and Fist have comparatively low Health, so you'll probably need to use a lot of Health packs. They have some mechanical synergy, sure, but both have better partners out there.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agree with quebster. Save your cp 3* covers aren't that hard to come by (though fist took me 5 months to cover fully) and your cp is better spent on LT when you're ready for them

    Also torch doesnt really pair that well with anyone really but he's not bad and his red is fairly savage when maxed and boosted. Green is his real way to shine though
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2016
    Iron fist is probably the best 3* in the game in terms of overall value. He is the best black battery in the game, creates a cheap attack tile, and has a strong purple nuke after collecting 12 black ap (plus his green, which is a fine power but gets lost in the shuffle because the other two are so damn good).

    IM40 is the only other contender for the position of top 3*, but it's purely as a support character (he is now the best AP generator in the game by a fairly wide margin).

    So if you decide to invest in 3* covers, Iron Fist is a very good place to start. But if you are willing to wait just a bit, I tend to agree with Quebbster and OneLastGambit: It would be better to save those CP until you are ready to start pushing into 4* or even 5*land. 4* covers are significantly harder to get than 3* covers. And LTs are the only source of 5*s. So just wait a bit and your 3* covers will come from ddq tacos.

    And re: your original question: IF and HT aren't bad together per se. But they also aren't a great pair. only 1 color overlap with active powers, and 4/6 colors have active powers. But red is HT's best power (I like green a lot too; doesn't get enough love here, but it can burn enemies down if you can generate cheap green) and IF generates black. Plus IF's purple will cause boardshake that might destroy some of HT's special tiles. and HT's black is a hard power to love given that it saps your own AP reserves. They are a relatively fast pairing, so using it for PVP isn't a terrible idea.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also torch doesnt really pair that well with anyone really but he's not bad and his red is fairly savage when maxed and boosted. Green is his real way to shine though
    Back when I was in 3* land I used to team up Torch with either Iron Man 40 (Before his respec, but he could still generate red and green AP for Torch) or Captain Marvel. Both act as meat Shields for Torch and can generate AP for him to use his Powers. Daken is Another good one - he can tank black and the strike tiles help Torch do more damage.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Luke Cage makes a better partner for Iron Fist than Torch does. The pair of them make for an annoying team to fight against in PVP; Fist keeps bleeding you every turn with his free attack tile, and Cage slows you down with his free protect tile. Plus the black acceleration could lead to a nasty 1-2 punch from Cage if it cascades enough, and Cage's yellow nuke is always looming.

    When you're playing with them, your goal is to get 5 purpleflag.png 12 blackflag.png and then you can punch, punch, punch just about anyone in 3* land to death in one turn.

    3* Torch is kind of mediocre even when he's boosted. He's kind of squishy, his black & green are so-so, and his red just doesn't pack the punch that Cyclops, Steve, or IM40's do.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Luke Cage makes a better partner for Iron Fist than Torch does. The pair of them make for an annoying team to fight against in PVP; Fist keeps bleeding you every turn with his free attack tile, and Cage slows you down with his free protect tile. Plus the black acceleration could lead to a nasty 1-2 punch from Cage if it cascades enough, and Cage's yellow nuke is always looming.

    When you're playing with them, your goal is to get 5 purpleflag.png 12 blackflag.png and then you can punch, punch, punch just about anyone in 3* land to death in one turn.

    3* Torch is kind of mediocre even when he's boosted. He's kind of squishy, his black & green are so-so, and his red just doesn't pack the punch that Cyclops, Steve, or IM40's do.

    Maxed and boosted that green starts doing 2k per turn so it's nothing to sniff at. He's actually pretty good boosted but sadly he is mediocre when not. Shame as I really want a third for my FF team...
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    IF is the best 3* character in the game, so he pairs pretty well with everyone.

    But my feeling is that he isn't especially great with HT.

    IF has two amazing features: one of the best (if not the best) AP/cascade generating abilities in the game, and always having an attack tile on the board.

    The great thing about IF's automatic attack tile is that there's no reason to bring along an attack tile generator. In fact, he only makes one if there isn't already one on the board... so once you fire off HT black, IF's ability becomes useless. AND, since that's HT's black ability, you are using up the color that IF generates so well to make another IF ability pointless. icon_e_sad.gif

    IMO, IF pairs much better with someone who makes strike tiles easily, since you have that attack tile that's always going to be buffed. Or someone with an awesome black power (hint: Cage- no pun intended).
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with most of the posters. Besides, black is HT's worst power by far. Maybe you've forgotten, but it reduces your AP in other colours for a rather unimpressive result. Black is one of the best colours in the game, if not the best. There's no shortage of great black abilities to feed with Iron Fist's purple. Inferno is actually one of the worst black powers (and it's not even /bad/, just mediocre) so it's not a great fit. IM40, on the other hand, is a great fit as it feeds both of HT's better powers, green and red.

    For more info, check my two-colour combination thread linked in my sig.
  • h4n1s
    h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    thanks guys for your comments!

    BTW: I love HT when boosted, tons of red damage in the beginnings (around turn 4 and 5) and then finishing the match fairly quickly with his green and black after lets say after first 7-9 turns (no matter the opponent). I am currently combining him with OBW to generate the red-green. But I admit, on defense, they suck big time (just like storm and MNMags)...
  • My main go to guys are Fist and Cyclops, who would fit in as a third in this team? I'm thinking either Switch Ironman? I don't have cage yellow so can't use him.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you're intending to leave that team on defence, definitely SWitch. A lot of 3* players will just skip that team due to its high potential to go into cascade hell. I generally skip Fist or Witch most of the time, and Cyclops fairly often too.

    Otherwise you could use anyone who has a decent to solid blue power. Magneto, Steve, Beast, Daken, R&G, are probably the best bets. Daken's the only one who won't create an active power conflict, but if you're on offense that won't matter much.
  • Anyone know why iron fist is not in background of DDQ?
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Quebbster wrote:
    Also torch doesnt really pair that well with anyone really but he's not bad and his red is fairly savage when maxed and boosted. Green is his real way to shine though
    Back when I was in 3* land I used to team up Torch with either Iron Man 40 (Before his respec, but he could still generate red and green AP for Torch) or Captain Marvel. Both act as meat Shields for Torch and can generate AP for him to use his Powers. Daken is Another good one - he can tank black and the strike tiles help Torch do more damage.
    HT and IM40 work well with Magneto or 3cap