Game freeze after "No more moves" shuffle

Puzzled Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
I've had this happen a couple of times now during the event. After the shuffle the game freezes. It will still allow you to quit, but no gems can be moved. I have a screen shot of the latest kozilek low health again and I'm frozen


  • It happened to me just now!

    1 HP from beating a Red deck I was totally dominating and then the glitch happens. But it doesn't happen after every No More Moves prompt. This update is 90% good...the 10%'s this lousy bug.
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    'No More Moves' definitely creates unstable board states on a regular basis.
  • Swyftwynd
    Swyftwynd Posts: 13
    Just had this happen for the 3rd time in a row - this is making the game nearly unplayable! icon_evil.gif
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    Thanks for the reports. A fix is on the way. Please see this post: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=47303

    Thank you.
  • Vahnkiljoy
    Vahnkiljoy Posts: 22
    It's so **** that we HAVE to eat a gods damned loss when the game freezes, DESPITE the fact we were winning.
    LUCIFER Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    This bugs happens everytime I play against inverter of truth when it causes the board to freeze up.
  • Oberoni
    Oberoni Posts: 34
    This glitch is still happening.
  • Netatron
    Netatron Posts: 147
    This glitch actually wasn't happening for me at all until the supposed fix. Now it happens every time.