So bored

ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Another season, another 25 days of the same tired 3* PVPs and the same old rewards.

An endless cycle of rehashed PVEs.

Lightning Rounds that have been set to auto-pilot and STILL don't include every 3*.

A "VIP" system that's a bad joke.

No acknowledgement of the 4* meta. 5*s that have pretty much broken true progression and turned it into an RNG luckfest.

No way to move from 3* to 4* without grinding, shield-hopping, or treating the game like another job.

I've been playing almost since launch, I used to love it so much and want to love it again but it's so so stale. I can barely muster up the energy to play DDQ lately.



  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    I'd come back if they pitched some exciting new changes. Still hoping they do before another game snags me away for good.
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    Dauthi wrote:
    I'd come back if they pitched some exciting new changes. Still hoping they do before another game snags me away for good.

    Same here. I don't see it happening though. The devs are on cruise control.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    But... new characters...
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    You have to go into the game with your own goals - the game doesn't give you any other than "Get everything/Max everything!"...and you'll quickly see that is impossible.

    About two years ago my goal became..."Eh, I'll get it all eventually through PVP"...and I completely gave up PVE. I actually have PVE'd "harder" in the last six months than I did in the previous 18 - in the sense that I immediately join and grind the trivials for the incredibly scarce ISO, whereas before I'd last second jump or not join at all.

    Now I'm running mostly PVP's and hoping for the incredibly slow 5* RNG progression - but the 5*'s have made it more boring than ever before. Same broken Only Character That Matters out there in 85% of the matches, same hoping for progression and then cursing it not happening. I accepted it for over a year since I knew eventually I'd get a few good 4*'s and that would help me get the rest - but now you have no guarantee to ever progress again. I don't know how much more of this I want to - or can - take.

    Agree with the OP premise - almost every complaint that ever pops up is based on either A) Same-ness (content) or B) Slow-ness (progression). And most of these complains come with solutions that are promptly ignored.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    You have to go into the game with your own goals

    Yup, this is the only way I've still had fun for so long. My second-to-last goal was to get all my 4*s to 170 for DDQ. Once the cycle restarted, I went back to trying to champ all my 3*s. I was able to do so after the sell prices went up. Right now, I don't really have anything I want to achieve, so I've barely being playing at all. I was thinking about trying to champ 4*s, but that takes way too long for my taste.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    When I champion a 4*, I'm happy for a bit. But then I realize that it's going to take weeks of grinding before I can champion another 4*, and then I get sad and kind of give up.

    New content (not new characters) would be fantastic, even just something small that's different to do each day.

    Hitting 1300 in pvp isn't even that exciting for me any more, because it's very stressful to carve out a solid hour for an uninterrupted hop every 2-3 days, and the reward is often only 1000 iso, so that makes it pointless.

    I get that mpq wants to encourage people to need to play, but it just becomes overly stressful, and the prizes are so low that it's not worth it. It would be nice if I could play mpq like normal games... a little here and a little there without the feeling of "you should be playing all the time, otherwise you miss out on stuff!!!!" "all the time but also only in 8-hour chunks, and don't do massive grinds until right before the events end! schedule your life around meeeeee!!!!"
  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker


    This made me laugh....were going to build a wall and whose going to pay for it?
    ...... MPQ big spenders.
  • cardoor
    cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    1v1 gladiator matches added to DDQ each day would be easier to program because it would be separate from Crash of Titans with a different reward (like 5k iso or something).
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I posted this in another post before, but it fits here as well.
    rbdragon wrote:
    A single wave node PVE that gives ISO for each wave completed.

    Waves Breakdown (always 3 characters/wave)
    1: 50 iso8.png (Level 15 minions)
    2: 100 iso8.png (Level 30 minions)
    3: 150 iso8.png (Level 50 minions)
    4: 200 iso8.png (Level 75 mix)
    5: 250 iso8.png (Level 100 mix)
    6: 300 iso8.png (Level 150 mix)
    7: 350 iso8.png (Level 200 mix)
    8: 500 iso8.png (Level 250 mix)
    9: 750 iso8.png (Level 300 mix)
    10+: 1000 iso8.png (Level 350 (increasing 50 levels each time with no cap) with at least 1 5*)

    This would be available once a day, and the wave only ends when you're dead or you quit! So you have to decide, if you're roster is good enough to go through all these nodes multiple times, how much ISO is worth 3 health packs?

    The other thing I would like is something like you have to collect 100 of a specific color to unlock an auto-kill on a one-on-one match against ______. The opponent doesn't matter since they have like infinite life until you collect the color. Again, just as a one-off each day. Wanna make it competitive (not against each other, but against the game)? Make sure everyone gets an equal amount of matches available to them of the right color and time it. The faster you complete it, the better the prize.