How can that be? [differing point totals in Deadpool PvE]

shadow310574 Posts: 78
I'm in the Deadpool Event

I just join (#28)
I done my first clear on all Nodes

Now I'm at rank 2 with 3336 points, rank 1 has 3340 points

How can he have 4 points more ? or how can I have 4 points less ?

If he clears a node 2 times, he would have more than 4 points more.

Moderator edit: clarified subject line. Please use specific subject lines, not vague questions. -DayvBang


  • Now there are a few player with 3336 and a few with 3340 points
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moderator edit to OP: clarified subject line. Please use specific subject lines, not vague questions. -DayvBang
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    rubber banding. low level, but its there.
  • Troy76
    Troy76 Posts: 14
    I found a glitch in it too. It has to do with new vips. After I purchased VIP I cleared a node then checked the points display for the node and it did not diminish. I didn't play it though but moved to the next completed it and rechecked the first node and it refreshed to the proper total.