An Opinion on how to fix PvE maybe just a little.

like1tiger Posts: 76 Match Maker
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi Guys I'm a newish player, been playing for 290 days now and have enjoyed playing every day since i started. I have been lurking the forums on most days and i find it very interesting to read everyone opinions on various aspects of the game. A lot of people have some great ideas of how to fix PvE and clearly the developers are not happy with the current PvE thus why we are having these "tests" every so often. I think the answer to a better PvE is quite simple or at least to improve what we currently have.

Step 1 make every event Double ISO.

Im firmly in the 3 star land i have every 3 star character (except Sentry who i keep selling) and i have now champed 20 3* toons, i now have 94 roster slots, My highest 4* is only lvl 110 and i have 9 covers for about 6 4*s. i also have about 12 5* covers.
I find it hard to keep up championing the 3* characters without having to sell excess covers i can not even imagine the pain that people are in in 4* land and above. Clearly the game has not been updated in ISO levels since the game started creating 4*s.

The double ISO makes this game feel really worthwhile. I want to keep playing until i get every reward from the nodes knowing i only have to play each node 7 times is also great.
I can Champ a 3* toon in an event and use the covers i win which feels great. It feels like the game should at least give that much ISO each event.

Step 2
Add more slice times more Regualry

The PvE feels so restricted because of the limited slice times. For me living in Australia I'm limited to one choice of slice. For me s1 starts at 7pm i normally enter a bit later so start at 9pm got to bed clear at 6am before work then clear at about 2.30pm when i have lunch leaving me a bit of grind time after work if i get time. this is fine until the second day and 9pm becomes 7pm and now my 6am clear is 4am.. It starts to get stupid.
Each clear takes me about 30 mins so I'm effectively playing this game for 2- 3 hours a day if i choose to grind. This normally gets me in the top 30 most events and i get progression and the rewards covers which makes it feel like I'm always progressing my roster
the problem is if i have anything on in real life and i miss a clear im basically out of luck. The times feel so restrictive i would love to be able to start 2 hours later then the slice Im allowed but my choices are start at 7pm or 12am.
I just dont understand why the times have to be so far apart and so inflexible.
I tried the test event but every test event has me playing for the same rewards but having to play double the time and to rank i need to be able to spend 4+ hours clearing every node before someone else does.

Step 3
Remove the Critical boost rewards....
What in the world is going on with these i have never felt so cheated clearing nodes to get 3 critical boosts... why are they in this game? why cant we at least get random boosts if we have to have them at all... It makes no sense at all

I really love this game but the Tests all seem to be making he game worse. Im in a T20 PvE Alliance and everyone stops playing as soon as there is a test event. the people that try to get though it give up halfway through..
I have never had a problem with the 8 hour clears sometimes its restrictive to "have to' play at certain times but with a few small changes I'm sure it would still be better then any of these 24 hour tests that we have been subjected to in the last few months. i would really hate to see a new release event under a 24 hour grind test event it would be chaos.

Anyway i may have no idea of what everyone else feels like and have rambled on for long enough, just wanted to give my opinion for what its worth.


  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm maybe a step or two above you in terms of progression.

    I ground out PvE for about a year. Then I started having to get serious about life, so I stopped. I dropped out of an alliance that would have gotten me good rewards and scaled back so I could get some sleep and do the things that needed to be done.

    Realize that this game will consume your life, if you let it. I've seen everywhere from 4 to 8 hours a day to earn top rewards. That's a full-time job. If you're a college student bored in class, it makes sense. If you're a kid with no responsibilities, it works. If you're a competitive gamer with surplus income, it's very attractive. If you're a regular joe, working a 9-5 job, enjoy what you can while you can and try not to let it interfere with things that are actually important. They've created an addictive formula, and if you don't comfortably have the resources to stay on top, you need to resign yourself to not being on top.

    It's like a sport. If it's not your job, or a hobby you pursue to extreme levels, you will not be competitive. A software engineer cannot tackle a running back. It would be nice if the casual player could put up a decent fight, but that's up to D3 to decide whether that's feasible and desirable. At the moment you have to commit or submit. Anything else will drive you crazy.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with steps 1 and 3. I think there are plenty of time slices. You don't really need to grind at the end of the time slice, and you won't need to, once they get rid of timers and make it "play-when-you-want".
  • Tryke
    Tryke Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    I play a slice that starts at noon where I am. I hear people talking about setting alarms to wake up at 4am to do the clear and THAT is what really worries me. Instead of time slices, there should be some method to let people play when they want.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with the OP with 1 and 3. With PVE for new releases I choose slice 4 since I can play at the end and then at the beginning of the sub. For every other PVE I choose slice 3 which ends on my commute home from work. I do this so I don't try and grind down nodes. I will usually do 4 clears per node sometimes more on the trivial and random times and I normally end up top 100 and have no issue getting the CP which is why I am playing.

    I think PVE needs to go progression only and have new releases be more like the boss battles. Have the alliance earn the 4* together. The reality is they can use the same PVE format but add in an alliance progression reward for the subs and or the main bracket. It does not have to be rocket surgery or brain science to figure out the progression points needed just take max progression and multiply it by 18. There should be some ability to carry a weaker player or if you don't have a 20 person alliance.