OATG Event

Coconut99 Posts: 212
edited June 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
So I can't see anywhere that this was stated, and the time listed in the game is confusing in that it's unclear...

Are we joining now for the event that STARTS in 2 days? Or are we joining now for the event with 2 days to complete it before it resets for the week?

Because if it's the latter, then there's something wrong, because I've joined but everything is locked, and I can't figure out how to start it. If it's the former, that calendar time REALLY needs to be made more clear--Just adding a simple "Starts in 2 days" would do the trick.


  • Cthulhu
    Cthulhu ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 410 Site Admin
    Sorry about the confusion, we are working on fixing this so the messaging makes sense. Right now the event actually starts on Friday July 1st.
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    Okay, so it's time until it starts. Thanks!