We definitely need Nightcrawler in this game!

JamieMaloney80 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
edited July 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
Nightcrawler is my favorite Marvel character next to Colossus and definitely needs to be in the game. I would have way more fun if he was in it. His swashbuckling sword play can slice opposites, and his teleportation can move tiles around and also set a countdown timer tile so that he pops up behind a random opponent and attacks, acrobatic agility could be (passive) so that he avoids some hitpoints.


  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I specced a nightcrawler a year or two ago, let's go scrounge it up... Yep, almost two years. The spec has aged pretty well, and could be salvageable in the 4-star meta.

      blueflag.pngTeleporter 9 Blue AP
      Nightcrawler's unpredictable fighting style keeps his foes off balance. Creates trap tile(s) which creates blue protect tile(s) when matched by either team. If the trap is destroyed, he counter-attacks instead, dealing good damage.
        redflag.pngBamf! 6 Red AP
        Nightcrawler teleports behind his foe for a surprise attack, randomly destroying 1-2 tiles and dealing minor damage. If the tile destroyed was an enemy special tile, his foe is caught off guard, dealing extreme additional damage.
          purpleflag.pngAcrobatics (Passive)
          Nightcrawler can dodge all but the most brutal attacks. If an attack would deal less than 5% of his current health, he instead takes no damage.
          Rank 5: Less than 20%

          blueflag.png is a hybrid defense/offense power. Unless the traps get stuck in a corner and stay there, you'll probably be able to get the benefit (unless the traps get overwritten), but the risk/reward nature could allow for really desirable damage/Protect values. 10K/1K maybe? 10K trap (or 2 5-6K traps) would really punish tile destruction, which isn't incredibly relevant in the current meta, but at least X-Force would want to slow down and start matching all the blue tiles they can before blowing up the board. Seems like it should be a purple power, maybe, but I kind of like it in blue anyway.

          redflag.png is basically Carnage's green, with bigger stakes. A cheap shot with minor board shake and the potential for huge swing against big special users. (Thanks for the Hailstorm!) At the 4 star tier I think the base damage would have to be comparable to Kingpin's black, and the situational damage huge, again. 8K for 6AP would be awesome, but not broken if it's usually only 2K. Mechanics-wise this one should probably target friendly specials (adding synergy to Acrobatics); if not, it could be really exploited by someone who floods with lots of friendly specials, increasing the chances of an enemy tile being targeted.

          purpleflag.png could still work. I'm a little wary of this power because it would make him invincible in some situations (he'd be awesome against attack tile exploiters and trickle effects) but just kind of suck in others--once he takes a hit for 30% of his health, then the threshold is 30% lower, and pretty soon it's worthless. But I still think it's better to have the protection decay than if it ignored a flat amount of damage.

          Because 3 stars have more special spammers and tile destroyers I think he'd be a stronger character for transitional players to defend against powered up 3-stars than the current 4-star world. And his powers are probably so swingy that players wouldn't like him, and to reduce their swinginess would make them less fun. But, like Doc Ock and Carnage he'd be really awesome in some fights, especially PvE. Theme-wise he's allright.
        • SpecSpecter
          SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
          I actually really like the purpleflag.png , the fact that it gets less effective as his gets hurt probably is a good thing as it doesn't do things like make him potentially flat-out immune to most match damage (which probably would be more 5* then 4*).

          Just spit-balling with not much thought behind any of these (use them as you will, or not at all), some things I just thought of off the top of my head, like an Ability that sends a Teammate 'airborne' as a reaction to prevent a certain % of damage (teleporting them to safety). Also more swashbuckling, any form of Nightcrawler without swashbuckling is an immediate injustice. Personally even without changing anything I would probably call the teleporting blueflag.png 'Bamf!' and the redflag.png attack 'Swashbuckler' and things would still probably make sense contextually.