Gamora Skullcracker 1 point of damage

Selvokaz Posts: 82 Match Maker
so im on the fourth node on the hard side of the simulator round 3 and i go to use skullcracker and it stuns for 2 rounds iceman and quake but only does 1 point of damage to the whole team. umm was she changed? i read the power description right afterwards and saw no mention of her only doing 1 point of damage, and if i could post a photo of it, i'd show you that the team besides deadpool is only down 1 hp.. which should be impossible no matter what level you are with however many covers.

be the way she's level 181

apparently i've been told Quake debuffs AOE attacks.. this seems a bit overpowered to me.


  • Razamataz
    Razamataz Posts: 59 Match Maker
    doesn't quake negate certain attacks (think aoe's) if so that prob why
  • Selvokaz
    Selvokaz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    okay nevermind i didnt see her passive ability.