What percentage of the playerbase actively uses 5*s?

Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Do we players have any idea? Do 5% of players use 5*s regularly? 10%? 1%?

And of the players that use 5*s regularly, how many players have level 300+ 5*s (ie 5 or more covers)? Or level 400+ 5*s? And how many players are in the uber-elite group that can field a full 3-person team of level 400+ 5*s?

There have been a lot of discussions of late about the state of the 4* and 5* meta (e.g. Should demiurge be focusing on adding new 4* content to the game? Or should new 5* content be the primary focus?) and it seems to me that it's very hard to reach any meaningful conclusions about this topic without a better sense of the playerbase.


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    T25 alliances?
    150-200 of the 500 people have one or more 400+ 5*.

    General player base, outside of the forum echochamber?
    0,05 % with champed 5*s, maybe 1% with level 400+
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Using the unscientific method of looking at the teams my 4*'s face in pvp, I would guess that about 75% have a usable 5*. icon_cry.gif
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    My yellowflag.png Green Goblin is part of my main PVE team. I use him against weaker teams in PVP, but he isn't a PVP regular for me (to be fair, I'M not what you'd call a PVP regular, either).
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Not more than a few hundred out of ~150k active players have 400+ 5*s. That's easy to see just looking at the tops of the rankings.

    1% overall seems very optimistic.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Our alliance is top 60 and more than half of us have a usable 5*. Some of us have a champed 5*. Some of us have a 6-7 cover 5* that isn't leveled.
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    Vhailorx wrote:
    There have been a lot of discussions of late about the state of the 4* and 5* meta (e.g. Should demiurge be focusing on adding new 4* content to the game? Or should new 5* content be the primary focus?) and it seems to me that it's very hard to reach any meaningful conclusions about this topic without a better sense of the playerbase.

    The problem with 5* isn't the rate they are released, it's the rate at which all but the highest whales can acquire them. They could release 10 new ones right now and it won't make an impact on the game for 6+ months. For players with championed 5*s, the game is extremely repetitive. All you see are other players with either OML or Phoenix or both, with an occasional SS in there. Every event, every battle for several seasons now has been against these same 2-3 characters and to get anywhere you have to use the same 2-3 characters as well. Your reward for getting a near maxed 5* is to be whisked away to a lonely Island with only other high end 5*s players so the 100-200 of you can attack each other over and over and over again and not bother the rest of the players who haven't gotten there yet.

    There is no end in site for this repetitiveness so as the season comes to a close, today is my last day on this island. I'm retiring from the game at the end of the season as there's nothing left to play for. I'm not playing another 3-6 months just to possibly get 1 more usable character to use on the 5* island. Hopefully D3 will fix this issue soon so that when people finally get their 5*s covered they don't feel punished for it. Good luck all.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    RWTDBurn wrote:
    The problem with 5* isn't the rate they are released, it's the rate at which all but the highest whales can acquire them. They could release 10 new ones right now and it won't make an impact on the game for 6+ months. For players with championed 5*s, the game is extremely repetitive. All you see are other players with either OML or Phoenix or both, with an occasional SS in there. Every event, every battle for several seasons now has been against these same 2-3 characters and to get anywhere you have to use the same 2-3 characters as well. Your reward for getting a near maxed 5* is to be whisked away to a lonely Island with only other high end 5*s players so the 100-200 of you can attack each other over and over and over again and not bother the rest of the players who haven't gotten there yet.

    Are you seriously suggesting that just so you don't get bored of the same teams all the time, you should get to utterly trash the game for everyone with decently-covered 5* characters?

    There are many problems with the game, but I would hope that one isn't high on the list of things to be fixed. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    Crowl wrote:
    RWTDBurn wrote:
    The problem with 5* isn't the rate they are released, it's the rate at which all but the highest whales can acquire them. They could release 10 new ones right now and it won't make an impact on the game for 6+ months. For players with championed 5*s, the game is extremely repetitive. All you see are other players with either OML or Phoenix or both, with an occasional SS in there. Every event, every battle for several seasons now has been against these same 2-3 characters and to get anywhere you have to use the same 2-3 characters as well. Your reward for getting a near maxed 5* is to be whisked away to a lonely Island with only other high end 5*s players so the 100-200 of you can attack each other over and over and over again and not bother the rest of the players who haven't gotten there yet.

    Are you seriously suggesting that just so you don't get bored of the same teams all the time, you should get to utterly trash the game for everyone with decently-covered 5* characters?

    There are many problems with the game, but I would hope that one isn't high on the list of things to be fixed. icon_mrgreen.gif

    Not at all. I'm almost 900 days I've gone through transitioning from 1* to 2*, 2* to 3*, etc and in all of those you had a good mix of lower level teams at lower points and tougher battles at higher points. With 5* though you don't get that. Every team you face after the feeder teams will have at least 1 level 400+ OML or Phoenix most have 1 championed. There is no variety, simple as that. Climbing takes more time as your hover point is now 400 instead of 700-800, resource are consumed faster, and 1500 might be good for top 25 if you are lucky. You are punished for past success and it's just sucks the fun out of the game. 3*s have no value anymore and those were fun to collect and use. 4*s have no value to you anymore and those were fun to collect and use. 5*s takes 6-10 months to full cover and level and then the MMR is so high that's all you can use. The game goes from a large list of possible options to use based on who is boosted and who is featured to using 2 characters 99% of the time. I've waited several months to see if they are working on a fix but it's doesn't appear to be a concern of theirs. So like many other players who reach this point, it's time to move on for me. Hopefully they find a balance soon or come up with a new PvP systems that keeps the fun going for everyone regardless of level.
  • CyberVenom2001
    CyberVenom2001 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    Out of the four 5*s that I have, I regularly use them all for different reasons.

    I have a Phoenix with at least 1 of each cover that I do use in PVE pretty commonly.

    I have a Goblin with 1 yellow, along with a 2 cover Surfer and Logan that I use in Daily Deadpool to get through the Big Enchilada.
  • shusheshe
    shusheshe Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    I have a 4 cover Green Goblin and a 2 cover 5* Iron man that I use for LR to get through the seed nodes. Otherwise I don't touch them.
  • theo199
    theo199 Posts: 79
    I've got a 6* cover and that's so pretty cool than I just can't play without this char! I want more!
  • Bulls
    Bulls Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    I have 360 oml that Im forced to use with one of weekly boosted 4* because he's just better than any combination of my 11 champed 4* even if two of them are boosted. I have l255 phoenix at 12 covers that Im not planing to lvl because I want to enjoy at least one spot for different 4* in pvp... I really hope that "soon" we will get regular pvp with 4* essencials...
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Personally, i have a lvl 420 OML ( could level him more), but i use him as little as possible. He may be the ultimate MPQ double edged sword. He is mighty, he can take hit after hit after hit and just heal it back up like it never happened.. but damn if he is not the single most boring character in the game.. his job is to stand there and pretty much do nothing except put out a strike tile or 2.

    I can level 4 other 5*s to 390-435, but i won't, way too many fun characters like Nova, GR, PunMax, etc in the 4* tier i want to level and use.

    I do not want to be in 5* jail, scaling and mmr to the point of only being able to use 5*s and nothing else. I know the time will come when we have enough 5*s that i will have some fun ones to level, but for now, OML is pvp only, PVE is for playtime.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    RWTDBurn wrote:
    Not at all. I'm almost 900 days I've gone through transitioning from 1* to 2*, 2* to 3*, etc and in all of those you had a good mix of lower level teams at lower points and tougher battles at higher points. With 5* though you don't get that. Every team you face after the feeder teams will have at least 1 level 400+ OML or Phoenix most have 1 championed. There is no variety, simple as that. Climbing takes more time as your hover point is now 400 instead of 700-800, resource are consumed faster, and 1500 might be good for top 25 if you are lucky. You are punished for past success and it's just sucks the fun out of the game. 3*s have no value anymore and those were fun to collect and use. 4*s have no value to you anymore and those were fun to collect and use. 5*s takes 6-10 months to full cover and level and then the MMR is so high that's all you can use. The game goes from a large list of possible options to use based on who is boosted and who is featured to using 2 characters 99% of the time. I've waited several months to see if they are working on a fix but it's doesn't appear to be a concern of theirs. So like many other players who reach this point, it's time to move on for me. Hopefully they find a balance soon or come up with a new PvP systems that keeps the fun going for everyone regardless of level.

    What is the alternative though, either you are going to get teams of an equivalent level as yours and will thus contain one or more 5*'s or you are asking to face teams that you will easily stomp into the ground?

    As far as things having got tougher due to past success (how does rng = success anyway?), just think how much worse it is for people who have had much worse luck when it comes to 5* covers and still end up facing mostly OML plus a boosted 4* too.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Make it a poll!
  • oldboy502
    oldboy502 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Came to say what Calnexin said. Thread definitely needs a poll. I have a 4 cover Green Goblin 0/2/2 that I use with switch to facilitate his countdown tiles.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've had a lv 405 OML for months. All my other 5*s don't have enough covers to warrant leveling up. My next closest is icon_jeangrey.png with 7 covers, but no greenflag.png .

    It's a slow process, but I'm sure I'll get a second usable 5* eventually. I'm excited for / dreading when that happens.
  • JamesV
    JamesV Posts: 98 Match Maker
    Crowl wrote:
    RWTDBurn wrote:
    Not at all. I'm almost 900 days I've gone through transitioning from 1* to 2*, 2* to 3*, etc and in all of those you had a good mix of lower level teams at lower points and tougher battles at higher points. With 5* though you don't get that. Every team you face after the feeder teams will have at least 1 level 400+ OML or Phoenix most have 1 championed. There is no variety, simple as that. Climbing takes more time as your hover point is now 400 instead of 700-800, resource are consumed faster, and 1500 might be good for top 25 if you are lucky. You are punished for past success and it's just sucks the fun out of the game. 3*s have no value anymore and those were fun to collect and use. 4*s have no value to you anymore and those were fun to collect and use. 5*s takes 6-10 months to full cover and level and then the MMR is so high that's all you can use. The game goes from a large list of possible options to use based on who is boosted and who is featured to using 2 characters 99% of the time. I've waited several months to see if they are working on a fix but it's doesn't appear to be a concern of theirs. So like many other players who reach this point, it's time to move on for me. Hopefully they find a balance soon or come up with a new PvP systems that keeps the fun going for everyone regardless of level.

    What is the alternative though, either you are going to get teams of an equivalent level as yours and will thus contain one or more 5*'s or you are asking to face teams that you will easily stomp into the ground?

    As far as things having got tougher due to past success (how does rng = success anyway?), just think how much worse it is for people who have had much worse luck when it comes to 5* covers and still end up facing mostly OML plus a boosted 4* too.

    Brackets. The solution is brackets.

    3* PVP with boosted 2*/3*/4* and no five stars.
    4* PVP with boosted 4*/unboosted 5* (to star with)
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    JamesV wrote:
    Crowl wrote:
    RWTDBurn wrote:
    Not at all. I'm almost 900 days I've gone through transitioning from 1* to 2*, 2* to 3*, etc and in all of those you had a good mix of lower level teams at lower points and tougher battles at higher points. With 5* though you don't get that. Every team you face after the feeder teams will have at least 1 level 400+ OML or Phoenix most have 1 championed. There is no variety, simple as that. Climbing takes more time as your hover point is now 400 instead of 700-800, resource are consumed faster, and 1500 might be good for top 25 if you are lucky. You are punished for past success and it's just sucks the fun out of the game. 3*s have no value anymore and those were fun to collect and use. 4*s have no value to you anymore and those were fun to collect and use. 5*s takes 6-10 months to full cover and level and then the MMR is so high that's all you can use. The game goes from a large list of possible options to use based on who is boosted and who is featured to using 2 characters 99% of the time. I've waited several months to see if they are working on a fix but it's doesn't appear to be a concern of theirs. So like many other players who reach this point, it's time to move on for me. Hopefully they find a balance soon or come up with a new PvP systems that keeps the fun going for everyone regardless of level.

    What is the alternative though, either you are going to get teams of an equivalent level as yours and will thus contain one or more 5*'s or you are asking to face teams that you will easily stomp into the ground?

    As far as things having got tougher due to past success (how does rng = success anyway?), just think how much worse it is for people who have had much worse luck when it comes to 5* covers and still end up facing mostly OML plus a boosted 4* too.

    Brackets. The solution is brackets.

    3* PVP with boosted 2*/3*/4* and no five stars.
    4* PVP with boosted 4*/unboosted 5* (to star with)

    This right here. This is what the game has needed since 5*s were introduced. The higher tier bracket should give out better rewards giving people a reason and means to level up their 5*s. The requests for brackets have been out there for awhile but are ignored by the developers.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    I have several unlevelled 5* and use them regularly on trivial nodes in PvE (or PvP seeds) since they can usually go several rounds on match damage alone without requiring HP.