When will Story Mode balance be completed?

saj14saj Posts: 23
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Back in the fall, I drew a 5* Jean Grey by accident, and ruined my scaling. Both Versus and Story Mode became essentially impossible, with my 2* teams facing fully built-out 3* teams. I had to sell her to move forward at all...

Since then, over the course of almost 9 months, there have been four or five balancing tests, each of which had flaws that some people complained about bitterly in terms of forced play scheduling, too much grind, and so forth--but at least they addressed the scaling.

9 months later, I have about half of my 3*s championed (none higher than about 174). Versus mode events, which have received new scaling rules are doable and reasonable, but Story mode is still unreasonably difficult due to the 5 or so unleveled 5* covers I have accumulated (and they are far too hard to obtain to sell, yet don't offer any value other than a little fun in trivial nodes where a 2* team would clean up as well.... and no, I don't have an I Win cover--OML eludes me). The scaling isn't quite as bad for a 3* roster as it was for a 2* roster, but it still is very painful.

Hard nodes in Simulator are about level 240, when my teams are about level 170, with maybe one or two boosted (which may or may not be useful or have any synergy depending on the event).

While I *can* beat a 240 node with some boosts and luck (and the occasional Whales), having to do it 9 or 12 times per sub to get progression points and maybe a little placement is not fun, especially when that node has three fully covered 4* characters, and eats up health packs like crazy.

It's been 9 months. A cow or a countess could have had a baby by now.

When, D3, can we expect some balancing action on the Story mode side? You need to make an intermediate change to the scaling, even if you haven't decided on the rest of the rules and mechanics.


And before someone says 3* people should not use LTs and CPs, I reject that thesis because:
  • 4* covers are required in order to play the essential nodes so that you can get the progression rewards which is really the only advancement option available at my level, since placing highly is almost impossible unless you luck into an empty bracket.
  • Hoarding LT and CP is not fun--and the point of games is to have fun.