Infinite stun lock Under the Sea

11rileyj Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
So I was taking my morning poop, hammering out the DDQ and it was business as usual. I brought my max champed Thor with my fully-covered-but-not-leveled OSBW and MagMN. The combination of enemies was diabolical. The Doom Bots would cast Temporal Warp, SWitch would Reality Crush me, and it was Stun City. And I never noticed this before but APPARENTLY THE STUNS STACK!

I'd be one turn away from being unstunned from Reality Crush and a Temporal Warp would bump it up back to three. Naturally that left plenty of time for Arcane Incantation to resolve and fuel Reality Crush again. I am not lying to you when I say I spent 6 minutes watching this farce play out. I finally became unstunned long enough to Call the Storm only to meet the next round of enemies with a full cache of AP. Oh to be greeted by the wave of ridiculous ability animations from the symbiotes! And guess what type of ability the lone tile mover had? Wait for it....a stun!

I don't get a lot of the hate this game gets. It can be enjoyed for free. No one is making you pump cash into it. Smart leveling tactics could keep you in an area where the battles are manageable. But it's been tough to defend of late. The round banner in wave fights is still broken, a newly released character has an ability that occasionally refuses to work (Moon Knight's Moonsilver Blades apparently targeting a downed enemy), the processing order of ability-animation-damage, etc.

But this is just nefariousness by design. I have a solid roster so I was able to retry and crush the event. But I can't imagine what a drag that would be for a developing 2* roster to not be able to take down a wave of goons.

Cmon D3.