***** Black Bolt (Rocks) *****

fun_and_gun Posts: 120 Tile Toppler
edited July 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
^ see what I did there? lol...ok, moving on.

black bolt needs to be brought into this mpq universe already. it's time to usher in the inhumans era. mutants are so 1992. the leader of the inhumans is ready to start eradicating the mutants. his event can have the players fight against all the mutants in the mpq roster.


  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Curious thing out Black Bolt is that terrigen mists are a key point of this second civil war, and the in humans are formed by said mists.

    If Black Bolt was to be released, I would assume it is because of a CWII tie-in. Because the Inhumans movie got shifted to something like 2020.
  • fun_and_gun
    fun_and_gun Posts: 120 Tile Toppler
    my idea for his terrigen mist skill would be that once it's activated, it damages mutants every turn even if he is downed. non mutants would just take a one time hit. oml may stand a chance against it with his healing ability but once he transforms and loses the healing, then it's a different story. so, your best team would be to maybe use non mutants.

    I think that even though the movie keeps getting pushed back that they can still go ahead with mpq inhumans since civil war 2 is the big thing in marvel comics right now. also, they seem to be running out of ideas with some of the recent new releases.
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    I would think that if anyone from the Inhumans got put in the game it would be Medusa. Sure Black Bolt is a big deal, but hasn't he been out of the picture for quite some time now? I honestly don't know the specifics, all I know is that Medusa is everywhere when Inhumans are involved as well as several places where they aren't.