Claustrophobia and Will Breaker

Upstartes Posts: 98
I don't know if what I'm about to describe is "working as intended" or if it is a bug, but it seemed weird to me, so I figured I'd post it.

Playing Tezzeret, I had Claustrophobia on the board and a Willbreaker on my side of the field. If the opponent had one creature on his side, and Willbreaker activated, the enemy creature was still disabled when it came to my side. If the opponent had more than one creature, then when Willbreaker activated, the opponent's first creature would get stolen, then the opponent's second creature would drop to the first position and trigger the Claustrophobia, causing that creature to become disabled, and causing the creature stolen by Willbreaker to become active again.

It think I understand why this is happening in terms of game programming, but I wonder if that is the desired behavior for the game to have. It seems more logical that either Willbreaker would always cause the creature it steals to stop being disabled by effects like Claustrophobia, or it would never cause the creature it steals to be stop being disabled.

It seems likely that this happens with any effect that temporarily steals a creature that is being disabled by a "first creature" effect.

Anyway, that's my report.


  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    It's been reported before in Willbreaker Bugs. It's not supposed to happen since the creature should no longer be considered the opponent's first creature when it is under your temporary control. Don't know when they're going to fix it though.