MPQ R103: Hot Fixes *Updated (06/30/16)

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
Hello all,

Here are the hot fixes arriving in Daily Patches, after the R103 update:
(*Note: This thread will only be updated when relevant and some Daily Patches may not contain hot fixes.)

June 30th
• Magneto (Marvel NOW!)'s Magnetic Flux now displays the correct cost of the power in the Next Level text.

June 27th
• Fixed bug: Howard The Duck's power The Quack-Fu One-Two did not include Locked Green tiles when calculating how much damage it does.
• Fixed bug: Players that only had power levels in Carnage Rules were not able to send Carnage as a Team-Up.
• Black Panther can no longer activate Rage of the Panther if all non-downed enemies are airborne.

June 21st
• Fixed a bug where Luke Cage's Jab, Jab, Cross power did not have a banner when the opponent did not have the Jab, Jab, Cross Countdown tile on the board.