Nick Fury bug due to order of operations

ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
Nick Fury's blue has a cool effect when the enemy matches multiple traps at once. Each trap goes off in succession, dealing a bit less damage but usually downing multiple enemies.

Anyways, thanks to all the bugs in the latest "patch" order of operations in damage is all messed up, and I noticed a rare corner case that might get missed otherwise.

The enemy matched 3 traps at once. The first trap went off as normal, downing Ragnarok; the second trap went off, downing a Hammer guy; the third trap went off (animated), but dealt zero damage to Yelena Belova who was third in line.

So somewhere in the queueing of actions and their effects, the damage for the third trap occurred before the target switch did.


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is it possible that one of the first two character took two traps worth of damage to kill? Each of them counts as one less trap than the previous effect, so there's some diminishing returns at play.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    On further testing (Traps seem to be firing ok) that is probably what happened. I'm guessing that Rags took two hits to down, but the wonky UI timing made it only look like he took one hit. The health bar probably only dropped after the second trap or something. Case closed, I guess.