Bug with the alliances?

Flakricket Posts: 13
Just got into MPQ, and there seems to be a problem with the alliances. It is telling me to join an alliance but I am in one and cannot rejoin my alliance until I leave it. My alliance only has 3 current members (usually 20).
That probably didn't make much sense, but there is definitely something going on with the alliances.


  • mikelnoe
    mikelnoe Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Sand boxed? Do anything that could be considered as cheating? No accusations that's just my first thought.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you'd been sandboxed, you would be removed from your current alliance. I would recommend opening a Customer Support ticket and working with them on this.

    Are your other alliance functions still working? Bonus daily ISO, chat, scoring?
  • Flakricket
    Flakricket Posts: 13
    Logged on this morning and it seems the issue has been fixed.
    Thanks for the replies and suggestions tho, it was much appreciated!
  • insound0
    insound0 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    This happened to me. I was waiting to get ally bonus iso from daily reset. It told me i needed to join an alliance to get this bonus.

    Luckily i closed the app and restarted and my alliance was still there.

    Not sure if i got the iso or not but i think i did. Weird.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    I get this bug from time to time. This is the second time this happened. Everytime this happens, I thought that the commander kicked me out for no reason. Felt so rejected and felt like I didn't belong anywhere and was gonna cry. haha it's just a game. But then I restart the app and I am back in the same alliance.