A better 4*DDQ?

WalrusBrigade Posts: 94 Match Maker
This has probably been posted already, but it came to me a few seconds ago and I wanted to get it down before I forgot.

I'm in the 3*-4* transition, which is a slow going as we well know. The rate at which I get a specific 4* is really slow (not as bad as 5*, but still slow) in large part because there aren't many opportunities to grab guaranteed 4* outside of 1000 PvP rewards. I'm hoping to get to a point where I can get those with some regularity without shields, but that feels like a long way off.

But what if, in the 4* DDQ you had the option of getting a single cover for the next clash required character rather than getting a LT?

I know that would be bad for those people trying to get 5*, so it would need to be an option, but it would allow people to specifically build their 4* roster in a manner where they could predict the result and also where it could help sustain their participation in clash.

So, how terrible an idea is this?


  • DTStump
    DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Top 10 pve also gives guaranteed specific 4* covers.

    I've never found covers to be the bottle neck to getting useable 4* characters. It's the iso that's the bottleneck.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Top 10 pve also gives guaranteed specific 4* covers.

    I've never found covers to be the bottle neck to getting useable 4* characters. It's the iso that's the bottleneck.

    Yes, because top 10 PVE is an acquisition path that EVERY player can take advantage of. YOUR bottleneck may be iso.

    There are plenty of 3->4 users who wish their 4* issues were iso-related and not cover-related.
  • WalrusBrigade
    WalrusBrigade Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Even if we agree that ISO is the real bottle neck . . . it can't be an issue until you have the covers required to spend that ISO. Like I said, I'm in the 3*-4* transition and am noticing that I have no idea when my next cover for something might show up. I'm only now starting to keep less-used 4* because I realize that one of my most direct routes to a RNG 4* is by winning that DDQ every four days. the 3* DDQ has me rostering (and champing) 3* that would otherwise be useless (I'm looking at you Colossus) and I can anticipate when a particular 3* is coming up so I can decide if I want to throw ISO at them, get the extra cover and then get the LT.

    There isn't that recourse for 4*. Finishing 10 in either PvE or PvP is a huge effort and something that (IMO) is hard to do as a 3-4 transitioner. But I can play crafty, burn boosts and do a some soft leveling to make my 1/1/1 quake win a match. Getting 4*s is hard at my point in the game, getting ones that are "useful" is even more difficult. I literally have one champed 4* (IMHB) and I got them there by burning 240 CP to get two covers because I had no idea when they would show up in RNG. Having a way, through more and better play, to get the option of specific 4* covers at a trickle slower than 3* would be a welcome change that wouldn't upset the other functions of the game.

    Then I will start complaining about the low amount of ISO in the game.