A civil war prologue type mode

smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
For all the game's problems, my mind keeps going back to the prologue...well then the main story a year ago. More than anything else it is what got the majority of us hooked to the game. It was fun. You developed your early one star roster and in later chapters it helped to start the two star development.

You played alone without having to grind or feel that you were forced to play at certain times.

But once finished, it was pve or pvp and that totally changed the dynamic of the game. With CW, I think the devs have a great opportunity to introduce another similar storyline that would help with the 3 to 4 star transition. They could simply use the prologue layout and modify it towards the CW storyline. New enemies, new rewards starting out with 3 stars then in later chapters 4 stars. And they wouldn't have to release it all at once, maybe a new chapter every three or four months.

Personally, Ithink would would interest player engagement while also giving new players a clear path towards future progression without having to rely on the drag that is pve or pvp.

iI could be wrong, but I'd highly value something like this being brought to the game to breath new life into it.


  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    I am fully in favor of this. Maybe there's even a "You must be this tall to ride" element, like something based on your top X characters' average level (a la MMR) or some such to gain entry. Wouldn't have to be lavish, but a few covers, some heftier ISO, electrolytes ... all the things that a growing roster needs.

    It could also produce new Heroic ModNevermind forget I said anything.

    Since I guess "Prologue" would be outdated, they could call it "Intermission" or some such. OR ... to save on making new tabs ... just change "Prologue" to "Story Mode" and stick the new chapters in there!

    Now everybody buckle up and hold on while this thing rockets over to the Suggestions forum!
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I absolutely would love that. I like this game a lot but the content does get stale after repeated play throughs. A new storyline geared towards intermediate players in the 3-4* transition would be awesome!
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think it should only open after completing the prologue, but to anyone that has done so regardless of their roster level. Just make it difficult for lesser rosters so when they are able to play it, it means something and gives that feeling of "hey, I'm improving my roster and it is actually getting me somewhere."

    As it stands, pve and pvp give the opposite code that improving your roster only hurts your ability to play the game more effectivily.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Go one further, since it's civil war prologue make it so you pick a side with a progression path according to its team. You can make the story being each side recruiting its team members and award covers for the members you recruit