So lets talk about PvE progression only levels

fnedude Posts: 383 Mover and Shaker
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Okay, so I've done 2 of these 4 "PvE tests", and this last one I'm not impressed with, because those that got the highest totals seriously spent A LOT of time getting their. While impressive (and I commend them), I do not have the time to devote to this game.

But I would very much like having PvE rewards match what you can achieve in PvP. When the previous tests ran, I did compete in the PvE to get the 4* rewards (1k pts), so I honestly have something to compare between the to systems.

So I'd like to compare the rewards for a 7-day event, to 3x PvP rewards, how much time it took me (as an example) and then propose some alternative PvE reward levels. I'm assuming only going to 1k pts, because it seems those that get 1300pts are those with 5* dream teams (compared to me...)

From my meager PvE playing (about 2.5-3hrs a night on my PC), I'll usually earn about 10k pts/day in PvE events (that usually hitting all of the easy nodes 7x, and all the hard nodes 4x). When I can do PvP I can spend about 5hrs to get 1x 4* (over 3 days).

So going from that baseline, in a 7d PvE event, playing 12.5-15hrs, I should get ~4*s from maybe 80k pts.

So 3x PvP events, you'll get:
3x4*, 3x3*, 9xGold tokens, 3x 3100iso, 3x100HP

So how about a PvE rewards structure such as this (for a 7d, for 3d+4d it would be roughly half the number of rewards, to be determined later). This is assuming that ~10K a day would earn ~#50 ranking (or so):

55K: 3* reward prime color
60K: 3* reward alt color
65K: 25 CP (max progression reward currently)
67.5K: 1k Iso8
70K: 4* reward (prime color) (equivalent to #10)
80K: 3* reward alt color
85K: 1k 1so8
90K: 4* reward (alt color) (equivalent to #2-5)
95K: 2k iso8
100K: 25CP (equivalent to #1)

Alliance rewards (at end of event):
#1-10: 10x pack for event
#11-25: 5x heroics for event
#26-50: 3x heroics for event
#51-100: 2x heroics for event

(Of course those numbers can be adjusted (like for EotS), and to get the discussion rolling.)

To me, if I ground out 3x PvP events to get 1k pts (and got those same rewards above (except the CP)), I'd like to be able to spend the same amount of playing (physical playing time) to get similar rewards from PvE, it's that simple.

Reading a lot of the other posts with these test, and the frustration with them (yeah like I wanted to fight lvl 337+ nodes where one error could cost me the match), I don't understand why a D3 admin couldn't have a discussion with the community about switching to a total progression rewards system (verses the current tests). Well I could guess, but I'd probably not like the answer.


  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good stuff. I'd only add that the last progression reward in your scheme should go to the score that you currently get from getting green check marks in every node, then add a repeatable, say 2k Iso reward for every X points above that score to give the hardcore grinders something to keep going if they wish.