So, you're calling it Lunacy? Seriously?

mrflopwelligan Posts: 125
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I mean, I get it, I do. Similar to 'lunar' - aren't we clever? But I think it's extremely insensitive to those with real mental health issues. I have had several family members suffer from mental health issues - some quite debilitating. I have watched them struggle with these issues for my entire life.

I've watched them try to overcome them enough just get out of bed. To eat. To carry on a conversation with their kids. I've watched it ruin relationships and mess with jobs.

I understand the history of Moon Knight, I get the four phases of the moon/multiple personalities. I don't have a problem with the character, per se, my issue is this: calling it out as mental issues as a 'superpower'. I know you can't have a character like MK in this game and not use his multiple identities -that I can get past. But treating it this way is ridiculous.


  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Actually, "Lunacy" is a very old medical term applied to those who it was believed were driven mad by the phases of the moon. It seems quite apt, actually.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    As someone with real mental health issues, it didn't even occur to me to possibly be offended by this.

    As you say, the moon theme and his multiple personalities are both core aspects of the character. This ability integrates both and throws in a nice punny title to boot, what's not to love?

    I personally think there are much better things out there to be outraged about.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Yasuru wrote:
    Actually, "Lunacy" is a very old medical term applied to those who it was believed were driven mad by the phases of the moon. It seems quite apt, actually.

    Correct. Madness is yet another term coined in medicine - and sometimes these terms apply better than then PC terms that we use. Madness, or lunacy, is sort of an acute state of mental illness that is nowadays described as "bizzare behaviour" (yes, this is in use), which is a bit more bland, but also (slightly) more PC.

    As another poster mentioned, some folks get offended by everything. Reminds me of the Albino Rhino beer, which had to change names due to someone being offended.
  • Philly484
    Philly484 Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    As a Psychologist who work with individuals with mental health issues, and as someone who is a fan of Moon Knight, this is quite fitting, so stop causing drama over something as simple as a term that is rarely used anymore. For one Lunacy was applied to individuals who would have more behavioral issues around the phases of the moon and they would spike during a full moon. With Moon Knights multi personality persona, and the fact that he does represent a hero with mental health issues who can still make a difference and save the world to me this shows admiration and the fact the D3 probably did research on the term anyway. People need to stop being offended over something as silly as this, and if you are letting this word that is used for an ability for a make believe character truly offend you, maybe you need to have your own dose of reality, and should seek counsel as it is a word, and their intentions were not directed toward individuals with mental health issue.
  • Lunacy and lunatic is an out of style medical term. The reason it went out of style is because it was replaced by more accurate or descriptive words in the scientific terminology, and became part of colloquial terminology. Solely in regards to mental health issues, you've seen this shift repeatedly over the past century.

    "Mad" used to indicate insanity, and I see that there is not only an emoticon for mad icon_mad.gif but also one for very mad! icon_evil.gif Is that indicitive of disrespect towards those with genuine medical mental health issues, or is it a case of terminology moving on?

    "Insane" was a medical term as well. Yet I constantly hear the grind of PVE described as such.
    Should a bedridden person object to "sick" tricks on the X Games or "ill" rhymes in a freestyle contest?
    "Crazy" is another great example of a word that now only has meaning in casual conversation, and as an adjective applied to just about anything or anyone.

    I am in favor of using language that is non-offensive when possible, but I do not see that this is complaint with actual substance, since lunacy simply isn't used that way anymore.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Lunacy" is now an archaic term that would be offensive to apply to any person. If they'd called the power "Dissociative Identity Disorder", I'd probably be a bit concerned.

    If you have a problem with the character having powers based on his mental health issues, I will say that I can see your point, but I don't really share your take on it. His mental health issues are highly fictionalized and comic-booky, not really reminiscent of any real person.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    It's outrageous and insensitive, using the word lunacy and trying to make it cool.

    D3 should buy the OP tickets to see Dean Ambrose to make it up to him.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    As a practicing psychologist who treats people with psychological disorders on almost a nightly basis I don't see the problem here.

    The term is not used in modern psychology or medicine and is archaic anyway and not applicable to any modern condition. Even if they had called it schizo mode it wouldn't be offensive as we have to understand that sometimes things are said tongue in cheek and when placed into a comedic context it's acceptable to a certain level.

    I don't believe any of my patients would be offended by this, and I do actually treat a clinical schizophrenic.
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Lunacy's new term and rephrasing description.
    MPQ! And those who still play. My rubber couch pleeeeezzzzze icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    What happened? At some point, someone decided being offended by vaguely, quasi-offensive things was cool.
    I'd like to go back to the old days when this wasn't so.

    When I was at school, if something got you "triggers" as the kids call it now, you kept it to yourself. When I was a kid you didn't go up to the bully and say "Now don't call me Jonathan. I really don't like that anme and I get very upset if you call me Jonathan". because guess what he's going to call you the rest of your school life?

    I wonder how people who get *this* offended over meaningless nonsense that is clearly not meant in any offensive manner actually manage to survive in the world.

    People. Seriously. Learn what context is. Words have definitions and context gives meaning.
    Did the power say "Lunacy - Moon knight rants and gibbers like one of those mental nutters lol. Do 1500 damage to yourself". No? Then I'm pretty sure they weren't trying to offend anyone.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    On a side note: Lotsa shrinks playing MPQ, huh?
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    When someone is being "politically correct", they are trying not to be offensive but I find that being "politically correct" is offensive. So where does that leave me?
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kevin61 wrote:
    When someone is being "politically correct", they are trying not to be offensive but I find that being "politically correct" is offensive. So where does that leave me?

    Perpetually triggered.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    But no issues with "Logan's Loonies"? Ok...
  • Rodolfo78
    Rodolfo78 Posts: 70 Match Maker
    Personally, as many of my family and friends are fat, Squirrel Girl yellow ticks me off a bit.

    But seriously, best solution: give players the option to customize the names of powers! Make it part of VIP if you want, I'd definitely pay for that. I'd have so much fun naming powers funny and dirty things, and then anyone could change something that offends them.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    MojoWild wrote:
    But no issues with "Logan's Loonies"? Ok...
    Loony is slang for dollar in Canada...
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    MojoWild wrote:
    But no issues with "Logan's Loonies"? Ok...
    Loony is slang for dollar in Canada...

    But my great-grandfather on my mother's side DIED in Canada! Hit by a car while picking up what he thought was a dollar! You intensive MONSTER! You'll hear from my lawyer:

  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Removed 5 posts from this thread already, locking it before it gets out of hand more.
This discussion has been closed.