enemy of the state issues

Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
I have experienced a few issues during this PVE, I assume people have seen these as well:

1) enemies fire abilities that aren't theirs, or fire abilities of their fallen allies. I have seen the shinobi ninja "turn to smoke" after it dies a few times, which is infuriating because it pollutes the game field with even more enemy attack tiles.

2) somehow my team loses AP in the middle of a round. I was waiting for my next turn so that I could fire off a red ability that cost 7AP. My indicator was flashing red, telling me I had enough AP to fire. Then the next turn started, and I suddenly had 6 red AP and could not fire. So either I always had 6AP and the game flashed the ability incorrectly, or an enemy that does not have the ability to sap my AP somehow took my AP away. Either way, HUGE error.

3) Does Kamala Khan not heal the team when a "passive" power is used, such as Iron Fist creating an attack tile? This is more of a general question, but I could have sworn that she has used her healing ability against me in PVP in the past whenever Iron Fist created a new tile. This could be my brain acting fuzzy, so it could all be in my head or this could be yet another issue.

Obviously, this goes on top of the same error people have been noticing where the current wave is incorrectly shown as "wave 1 of X", which gets confusing at times as well.


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kamala's healing does not trigger on passive abilities.

    Which red ability were you trying to use? If it's something with a variable cost, it's possible that the variable updated between turns.

    If you were seeing a Shinobi turn to smoke, it was probably a display bug in a wave battle. Often when you make a move that ends a wave, the lead opponent's picture updates to show the lead opponent from the next wave.