Level up ISO bug [not a bug]

It seems to be a problem with showing how much ISO you need to level up to max level..

Everyone time I log on and level up Kamala Khan it says that I have 79391 ISO left for max level even if I have spent alot...


  • Bohica666
    Bohica666 Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2016
    I have my Daredevil (Man Without Fear) star.pngstar.pngstar.png at level 68 with my skills at 4 purpleflag.png 5 blueflag.png 4 redflag.png, but when I check to see how much iso8.png I need to level him up to max level, it only shows how much is needed to level him up to level 156 ( iso8.png 91992) instead of iso8.png 117285 to reach level 166.

    I don't currently have enough iso8.png , but I would rather not spend over 90k only to discover I cannot get him to max level.

    Screenshots of my Daredevil (Man Without Fear)

    Is this something new, or an existing issue? Or does the game just show a faulty value for both max level and required iso8.png , while still functioning correctly?

    Edit: When I checked again last night, it showed my Daredevil to be upgradable to level 160 (no screenshot, sorry), and this morning it shows him to be upgradable to level 163, as you can see here.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The button shows the highest level that character can reach with the ISO you have on hand, plus the biggest one-shot purchase available. If that amount isn't enough to max them out, then it shows a level below their cap.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    It shows what level you can reach with the ISO you currently have plus the $100 (or whatever the max amount is in your local currency) purchase.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Under the XP bar, there are 2 numbers, one is Level Max: 166, the other is Level Cap: 166

    These tell you how high the character is allowed to go. Level Max is determined by your number of covers, Level Cap is determined by the Rarity.

    When you look at the Purple Level button, it will state what level it will bring it to with the stated amount of Iso. That designated amount of Iso is determined by how much iso you have on hand + a Mother Lode purchase if you do not have enough Iso on hand to level them to the Level Max.

    My Carnage is at 13 covers with a Level Max of 270, Level Cap of 270, but because my Iso stash is only 3,677, the purple level button shows Level 227 for 81,541 Iso. That is the highest I could level my character if I used my current Iso and bought 78,000 Iso through a Mother Lode... which in and of itself is ridiculous that $100 wouldn't come close to level maxing my Carnage from 200 - 270. $100 would only buy 27 levels. That is ludicrous.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    We could probably use a sticky post explaining this.... icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Merged two threads.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    We could probably use a sticky post explaining this.... icon_e_biggrin.gif
    It comes up often enough that what it really needs is an in-game explanation or UI redesign.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I mean, yeah, but I think we all know that expecting Demiurge to fix a problem with the UI or game engine is just setting yourself up for disappointment.