4* Elixir (Joshua Foley)

theabsoluteword Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
edited June 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
4* Elixir (Joshua Foley)

blueflag.pngBio-kinesis, 9AP
Able to alter his bio-molecular make-up instantly, he defends his teammates, transforming 1 chosen basic tile(s) into Yellow Protect Tiles of Strength 37.

Level 2: Choose 2 Tiles
Level 3: Protect Tile Strength 49
Level 4: Choose 3 Tiles, AP Cost +1
Level 5: Protect Tile Strength 62

yellowflag.pngPerfect Healing, 12AP
Bending life to his whim, Elixir restores his team. Creates a random 2-turn Countdown Tile and stuns himself for 1 turn. Every turn this Countdown Tile is on the board, Elixir heals his team for 250 Health. If a Teammate is downed while this Tile is active, revive them with 10% Health the next turn.

Level 2: 500 Health Healed per turn
Level 3: 3-turn Countdown Tile, Teammates Revived with 20% Health, Stuns himself for 2 Turns
Level 4: 750 Health Healed per Turn
Level 5: 4-turn Countdown Tile, Teammates Revive with 30% Health, Stuns himself for 3 turns

blackflag.pngDrain Touch (Passive)
Whenever Elixir is hurt for more than 40% of his Health, he drains the vitality from his opponent, healing 33% of damage dealt to him. Is Elixir has under 30% Health, this power changes to "Death Touch
blackflag.pngDeath Touch, 12AP
The ultimate last-resort, Elixir downs the opponent.

Level 2: Death Touch AP Cost -1
Level 3: Death Touch AP Cost -1
Level 4: Heals 33% of Damage when damaged for over 30% of his health
Level 5: Death Touch AP Cost -1

Is he too OP? Not powered for a 4*? Your opinion?


  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Start with 4 black and two purple. Match one Purple, Use Fist, Likely get Five. Drop a maxed Five Star. Keep him underleveled so he gets protected, seems a little busted to me.

    Sorry man. Cool idea, and I'd love to see Elixir.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can't have an ability that just insta-downs opponents without some kind of qualifier - being able to one-shot any character from full health is just nutty.
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    Jarvind wrote:
    You can't have an ability that just insta-downs opponents without some kind of qualifier - being able to one-shot any character from full health is just nutty.

    Yeah, was just gonna say that. There has to be SOMETHING in order to be able to do something like that. Other than that it's a solid build. The black needs work