This is a problem and needs to be fixed

mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor

I made a post about this 2 years ago and the problem still persists today. 2 YEARS LATER.

Not all countdown tiles are created equal and their description needs to reflect that.

I'd like to hear from D3 / the devs if they can defend "protect this tile to damage your own character"


  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    What annoys me more is the fact that every new character's abilities they make now shake the screen.
    Like really? You guys figure out how to make the screen shake for one character and you have to implement onEVERY NEW ABILITY?
    Please. Please.
    It's cool on a couple of abilities, 5* cap's shield bash. Cool... then everyone else does it for abilities that have no reason to shake the screen... Deploy trap? SCREEN SHAKE.
    Poor practice.
    This is something I'd expect of a 12 year old, not a professional team.

  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Not this again. There are larger issues to address than this, though it would be a quick fix. I think most players understand the effects of the tiles in any given situation and in the case of this one, won't protect the tile just because the description says to do that.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I second the point that there are more pressing issues to be addressed overall but this kind of thing is indicative of a lack of care. If nobody thinks to check and fix these types of things it suggest that, for example, their test scripts aren't that thorough and that this may not be an isolated example of something slipping through the cracks. It's not a major gameplay mechanic, those may be better controlled, but the little things do matter.
  • I agree! This is annoying, I accidentally avoid these tiles all to often.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,327 Chairperson of the Boards
    I argue that while this is a minor issue, figuring out how to fix it, could lead to major gameplay improvements. For example, making Captain falcon's blue (and similar powers) always improve your CDs, shortening or lengthening the count according with what's beneficial.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    mjh wrote:
    I made a post about this 2 years ago and the problem still persists today. 2 YEARS LATER.

    Not all countdown tiles are created equal and their description needs to reflect that.

    I'd like to hear from D3 / the devs if they can defend "protect this tile to damage your own character"
    This is, uh, pretty darn trivial on the list of things to fix or -- in this case -- clarify. Did you find yourself desperately trying to protect this countdown tile because the description told you to do so?

    Just speaking as a fellow player (as you can tell by the lack of green text) here. I'd rather see multiple countdown decrements on board shake or the weird problems with wave nodes get some attention first.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is just as important to me as fixing the ability banners, so I'm guessing the devs will be all over this one...