If this test is leading into progression only...

Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
There's speculation that these tests are signalling a move to progression rewards only since the current iteration basically kills any reliable way to get placement if you don't clear all of the nodes faster than anyone else as soon as the sub event opens.

With that in mind I can think of an issue when it comes to making this progression only and that's having little idea of what score to go for on a daily basis.

I had a thought with that one. Have a sub-node progression system.
If, for example, the top progression of 25CP for the event is at 100,000 pooints and the event lasts 5 days (for ease of maths) you'd need to average 20,000 points a day. With all sub events being equal (I know they're not, but again, just suppose) you could create a progression list for each day with a final reward at, say, 21,000 points? That way you can give out the rewards you would have gotten from placing well in the sub event, you give the player a score to aim towards daily, you give the player some more ISO to help with the shortage, everyone wins!

It's something that's holding me back in this event. 7 days of grind for a final progression reward with no sense of how well I'm doing towards hitting that goal.


  • You have no idea whether you're on track for maximum progression?

    Max. progression is 116,000pts. Event is 7 days.

    Unless you have reason to believe that there will be fewer points on future days, then so long as your score at the end of each day is at least DAY • 116,000 / 7, then you're fine.

    Alternately you can figure by subs ... there are 5 subs, so SUB • 116,000 / 5.

    So far, the points available far exceeds what is needed to hit maximum progression. Node values are the same or higher than they have been on previous runs, and you can hit them more often for full points, and don't have to wait for refreshes. Easiest progression this game has seen in a while!

    I think you've focused too hard on a pretty minor part of his post (and kind of missed the point at that).

    The more interesting part to discuss, is the idea of progressions rewards per sub. I think this exactly the route the devs should take and would serve as a great indicator of exactly how much effort you need to put in to reach max progression for the overall event, so you don't overgrind a sub event for no reason.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Put max prog rewards to the points you get for getting green checks on every node in every sub.
    It's not rocket science, and it's intuitive to players.

    Can't clear all nodes perfectly? You're not getting 3 covers.

  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    The only thing I can see as the counter argument is that the devs obviously like to keep guaranteed covers handed out to a minimum. Look at what is considered the "normal" story rewards. Only 10 people out of 1000 get the 4*. In a progression based model, they have two choices: give everyone covers, or remove those covers as a reward.

    I will say that the optimist in me hopes that they do move to a progression based model. Maybe now that they have so many 4*, they will start to give them out as top 100 rewards?
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    They need to start giving out more 4* covers if they are going to keep introducing 4* characters. The total pool of available covers is so diluted that it's hard to build a character. I have 198 covers across every 4* character. Not one of them has gotten 13 yet. The best is Antman at 11 (3 of those from Civil War). My Xforce Deadpool still only has gotten 2 covers.

    Moving 4* covers over to progression rewards for Story mode makes sense. 1K in PvP by itself isn't enough to set off the random nature of cover draws.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think you've focused too hard on a pretty minor part of his post (and kind of missed the point at that).

    The more interesting part to discuss, is the idea of progressions rewards per sub. I think this exactly the route the devs should take and would serve as a great indicator of exactly how much effort you need to put in to reach max progression for the overall event, so you don't overgrind a sub event for no reason.

    Yeah, think that was my fault for putting too much of my own personal experience in. you've hit the crux of what I was going for.

    More rewards = good 8B
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Moving to progression rewards only is a major change to the game. A dev needs to comment soon to either kill the roomer, or confirm it is a possibility.

    Communication is the key to a healthy relationship.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Arphaxad wrote:
    Communication is the key to a healthy relationship.

    Youre funny. You think this is a healthy relationship? Look at how many people are hitting max points per sub, and take some average times to get there (5hrs?)......this game isnt healthy. And I have hit max pts each sub.....and barely been T20.