Can you at least run a test with this format? PvE & PvP

Frigs Posts: 35
Ok so its basically unanimous that PvE runs on a format that is just awful, some people hate the schedule, some hate the rewards, everyone hates the level scaling. I had ranted previously about how to fix the level scaling problem, but admittedly I was a bit worked up/drunk and did not properly explain how the system would benefit everyone, from beginners to seasoned vets. There is actually a LOT of positives to incorporating this format and would give very little reason for people to become enraged to the point where the games own forum is just littered with disgruntled players/customers. It would also allow players to consistently progress through the game at their own pace as well reward those players who decide to support the game by spending money on it. It would create a playing field where those who have played from the start and have amassed huge destructive roster to actually be the cream of the crop, and motivate beginning players to work their way up to that same level.

I myself have benefited from being put into a beginners lobby and even though I was happy to finish first, when I looked at the rosters of those I had beaten I knew it wasn't right. I dont want to be catered to and coddled because I'm a new player, I want to earn my stripes and actually earn my way to the top. Also, a year from now I dont want someone who has been playing a week to beat the roster I worked so hard to achieve. Now before I get into this any further, lets take a look at the format I put together, keeping in mind that all of it has room to be changed and tweeked but the premise is solid....

*each node has 3 possible clears*
Node 1: enemies level 1-15 rewards: critical boost, 70 iso, standard recruit token
Node 2: enemies level 15-30 rewards: power boost, 140 iso, 1* cover
Node 3: enemies level 30-50 rewards: power boost, 250 iso, standard recruit token
Node 4: enemies level 50-75 rewards: power boost, 500 iso, 2* cover
Node 5: enemies level 75-100 rewards: 1 cp, 750 iso, heroic token
Node 6: enemies level 100-150 rewards: 25 hp, 1,000 iso, 3* cover
Node 7: enemies level 150-210 rewards: 3 cp, 1,500 iso, vault token
Node 8: enemies level 210-300 rewards: 50 hp, 2,500 iso 4* cover
Node 9: enemies level 300-450 rewards: 5 cp, 3,000 iso, legendary token
Node 10: enemies level 550 rewards: 100 hp, 5,000 iso, 5* cover/legendary token

Now this format would be suitable for those that have been screaming to the skies to remove progression rewards, except you make progression rewards for your alliance. Node 1 would be worth 100 points, node 2 would be worth 200 points and so on until node 10 is worth 1000 points. Progression rewards would be handed out at the total points of each node being cleared all 3 times by all 20 alliance members and would include a duplicate of the top prize for that node. This would allow stronger members of your alliance to help weaker members/new players and allow them an opportunity to grow with the team and achieve higher rewards. It would also encourage players to spend money knowing that their roster will actually be better after dumping some cash into it. Because where things stand now, if you improve your roster you make the game harder for yourself because the level scaling beats you into submission. You go from being able to clear every node in an event to only being able to clear the first 5 just because you added a prized 5* to your roster, and that my friends is not progression, you are basically earning the right to play less of the game. Does this honestly make sense to anyone?

With a system similar to the one I have come up with your rewards become just that, actual rewards. You actually become better by leveling up your roster and adding high star characters. The whole notion of the game getting harder as you get better is just mind blowing and extremely discouraging. Here is what a realistic conversation between MPQ players sounds like...

Rick: When does all of my work finally pay off?
Jim: Well... it actually doesnt, what all your hard work is doing is making things more difficult.
Rick: Oh.... ok then..... why am I playing then?
Jim: Because.... Boomerangs!

Its all madness really, and the thing that makes it even worse is the fact that the loyal and die hard players of this game come to this forum day in and day out to express their frustration with this format. We all see the potential is there for this game to be enjoyed by everyone but for some reason the developers refuse to fully listen to what they are saying. Some chalk it up as its a way for them to make money, but the simple fact is that they could be making so much more money if paying to progress actually allowed you to progress. I personally was very close to putting money into this game until I came across a post here in the forums where someone explained that it would take them 4 years to earn enough iso to level their current roster. How can I chip in 20 bucks knowing that I'm going to dig myself a hole I can never escape from?

Look, there is free to play and then there is free to play but if you want to be good while at the same time making the game harder for yourself then you have to put in hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Not exactly a business model the more successful f2p games take after, but hey if its working for you then keep running your test.

If you incorporate my format you are going to find that it is all around better for the game as a whole. By placing the responsibility for progression rewards and even placement rewards on the alliance as a whole then you run less of a risk of 50 people completing every node of an event only to finish in a dismal position. With this format you allow players to finish the nodes their roster is capable of completing, winning rewards that will help build their roster and then allow them with enough time to adequately participate in pvp. That right there is a much bigger deal than the developers might realize, because what happens then is the player is forced to dabble in pvp, find out they are actually doing pretty good and encourages them to buy hp to shield hop or purchase health packs to keep climbing.

Speaking of PvP though, in my original rant about how to fix PvE someone had commented who liked my idea and asked if I could come up with a fix for PvP. Well there is a very simple fix for PvP, all you have to do is put people in lobbies according to the highest star player on their roster. You hear all the time that 5* characters ruined PvP, and you've even seen people discuss whether they should be banned from PvP. Thats all nonsense, just put people in lobbies that match the highest star player on their roster. Only have a 2* roster? Well then be happy to know you are put in a lobby with other players who only have 2* rosters. Have only a 3* roster but want to add that 5* green goblin you won with a legendary token? Well then I'm afraid your going into the 5* lobby. Putting beginning players in with the veterans is just gobbledygook, may the best 2* team win, or the the best 4* team, but to pit them against each other is discouraging, especially with a format that currently makes the game harder as you progress.

Look, All I am asking is that you at least run a test of a format similar to mine before you dismiss it. You are running all these PvE test and each one of them seems to make people more and more angry, at least give this format a shot and see if maybe people enjoy the game just a little bit more and are more willing to put in money knowing its actually going to help them, not hurt them.