3* Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)

theabsoluteword Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
edited June 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
3* Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)

blackflag.png Into Thin Air, 11AP
NIghtcrawler teleports his team and himself away from danger at just the right moment, creating an opening. Transforms 1 random tile into a Trap Tile. When this tile is matched or destroyed, the damage dealt is negated, and it creates 1 random Strike Tile of strength 17.

Level 2: Creates 2 Trap Tiles
Level 3: Strike Tile Strength 32
Level 4: Strike Tiles Strength 50
Level 5: Creates 3 Trap Tiles

redflag.png Extra Passenger, 7AP
Latching onto his opponent, Nightcrawler teleports high into the air and then lets them go. Sends a random enemy airborne for 1 Turn. When they land, they take 430 Damage.

Level 2: Deals 780 Damage
Level 3: Send Enemy Airborne for 2 Turns, deals 1200 Damage, 8 AP Cost
Level 4: Can Select Enemy to send Airborne
Level 5: Send Enemy Airborne for 3 Turns, deals 1500 Damage, 9 AP Cost

blueflag.png Evasive Instinct, (PASSIVE)
Reflexively, Nightcrawler teleports out of harm's way, sometimes at the cost of his teammates. When taking damage, Nightcrawler has a 15% chance to teleport to the back of the team, allowing a random teammate to take the damage instead.

Level 2: 30% Chance
Level 3: 45% Chance
Level 4: 60% Chance
Level 5: 75% Chance