The tokens of season XXVII - Late edition

El Satanno
El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Yeah, maybe you thought I'd given up. Maybe you reckoned I finally realized no one gives a ****. Hah! I'm far too dense for that! Here it is, once more. Every token I collected from the past season. And this time around, I nice little kick in the nuts. Onward!

The hoard:
  • 192 silver tokens
  • 114 mixed gold tokens
  • 1 Heroic 10-pack
  • 4 Legendary tokens
  • 547 CP

The pulls:
Silver tokens (192)
Captain Marvel (black)
Hood (yellow)
Beast (yellow)
Falcon (yellow)

Heroic tokens (20)
Rocket & Groot (green)
Beast (green)
Luke Cage (yellow)
Ghost Rider (red)
Storm (green)
Captain America (blue)
Deadpool (black)
Iron Fist (black)
Patch (red)

Heroic 10-pack
Hulk (black)
Hood (yellow)

Teenage Riot (3)
Sentry (red)

The Hulk (4)
Beast (yellow)
Captain Marvel (red)
Luke Cage (red)

Iso-8 Brotherhood (10)
Kamala Khan (yellow)
Deadpool (black)

Balance of Power (3)
Magneto (yellow x2)

Lord of Thunder (3)
Loser Hulk (blue)

Fist Bump (3)
Kingpin (purple)

Sticks and Stones (3)
Cyclops (yellow)

Fatal Attraction (3)
Daken (purple)
Deadpool (purple)

Cold War (3)
Colossus (red)

Lightning Offer (2)
Gamora (red)

Meet Rocket & Groot (6, vault)
Daredevil (red)
Rocket & Groot (green)

Team Cap (9, vault)
Scarlet Witch (purple)
Captain America (red)

Team Iron Man (10, vault)
Black Panther (yellow)
Sentry (green)
Black Widow (red)
Colossus (yellow)

Civil War: Cap (2)
X-23 (purple)
Elektra's worthless ****(red)

Civil War: Iron Man (4)
Baglady (green)
Iron Man Mark 46 (yellow)
Star-Turd (purple)
Miles Morales (yellow)

Legendary tokens (547 CP)
Hulkbuster (red)
Rulk (green x2)
X-23 (green, red)
Cyclops (blue)
Silver Surfer (blue x2)
Drax (red x2, black)
Miles Morales (yellow)
Star-Turd (yellow)
Ant-Man (yellow)
Carnage (red)
Faptain (yellow, blue)
Thor (blue)
Kingpin (black)
Phoenix (green)
Mr. Sucktastic (blue)
Deadpool (black)
Spider-Gwen (yellow)
Ghost Rider (green)
Quake (green, blue)
Baglady (yellow)

The following events yielded nothing good
Fresh Cut (3)
Unholy Outlaw (3)
Doctor's Orders (3)
Krakadoom! (3)
The Gauntlet (3, vault)
Hearts of Darkness (7, vault)

Total Iso from cover sales and champion rewards: 74,650
Total Iso from garbage 4* going into 2* Magneto: 9,000

Observations and (purely subjective) conclusions:
  1. Here's the big deal, right up front: When Civil War dropped two 5* characters on us, everyone started dreading the inevitable watering down of the legendary tokens. Because they told us that's what would happen. So like any reasonable person who only cares about Logan covers, I opened everything early. I held off the Latest tokens because...umm...Logan's not in there, so who cares? Anyway, not even three days later they raised the rates. RAISED! And me, 500+ CP blown because there was no way in hell I could have seen that coming. Sad is a word I would use. There are others, but those would all come out as tinykitty.
  2. Fun fact! I did pull three 5* covers. That is okay. Two of them were Surfer. That is not okay. They were blue. My Surfer is 5/2/5. That is very much not okay. Should have been happy to pull 5*, even if it is the very underwhelming Surfer. NOPE. 4000 Iso thankyouverymuch.
  3. Come to think of it, this season really treated me poorly. The only good surprise pull this time around was Kingpin. Loser Hulk? Yeah, screw you, man. You suck. SUCK. I'd have been happier getting another Iron Fist cover instead. Because he doesn't suck.
  4. My heroic pulls were streaky as hell. R&G, Beast, and Cage came in a row, Storm Cap, and Deadpool came in a row, and Iron Fist came in a pair. How does that happen?

Finally, my standard closing: There is absolutely excuse for garbage characters in the 4* tier while they are both so hard to obtain and so expensive to level. And the completely underwhelming nature of Silver Surfer is an absolute embarrassment. Even if I could have made use of those covers, I still wouldn't be excited about it. He's the best 4* in the same way that Loser Hulk is the worst 1*.

EDIT: I missed one event in my list. Updated to include it.


  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    I always look forward to looking over these. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    I mentioned this last time but you're close to the wall. You may want to consider holding off on opening more tokens for a while until you get a lot more iso.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    I mentioned this last time but you're close to the wall. You may want to consider holding off on opening more tokens for a while until you get a lot more iso.
    Who cares, when getting two more OML covers are all that matters?
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Bowgentle wrote:
    I mentioned this last time but you're close to the wall. You may want to consider holding off on opening more tokens for a while until you get a lot more iso.
    Who cares, when getting two more OML covers are all that matters?

    We're past that point. OML is very good but he's no longer the be-all and end-all of the game, and he'll only become less so over time.

    It is incredibly tempting to think of the game as "get your best character to the highest level you can" but the reality is the game's scaling/matchmaking prices you out of success pretty fast if you develop your roster that way. A wide roster is usually going to be a much more reliable bet.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    I mentioned this last time but you're close to the wall. You may want to consider holding off on opening more tokens for a while until you get a lot more iso.
    Who cares, when getting two more OML covers are all that matters?

    We're past that point. OML is very good but he's no longer the be-all and end-all of the game, and he'll only become less so over time.

    It is incredibly tempting to think of the game as "get your best character to the highest level you can" but the reality is the game's scaling/matchmaking prices you out of success pretty fast if you develop your roster that way. A wide roster is usually going to be a much more reliable bet.

    A fair assessment on both counts. I am much closer in agreement with Bowgentle than carrion pigeons, but I don't doubt the truth of your claim. Thankfully I can say that my roster at the 4* level (and down, not that it matters) is very well developed. Really the only thing that's going to get me anywhere is more 5* covers, Logan in particular, and then mountains of Iso to get the other 5* guys up to speed. Sigh.

    Glad some folks are getting a kick out of my hoards! icon_cool.gif
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm just hoarding the Latest until...something. End of season, I guess? It really doesn't matter to me, because Logan is still the only one that really matters. Maybe 5* Hulk will be great, but that doesn't matter either. I have 11 covers on Logan and he's fantastic. How long (and more importantly how much luck) will it take for any other 5* to get as good as that? The odds of me getting almost literally any of the other 5* in a usable state are only going to keep going down as the pool gets further and further diluted. And that's kind of funny because even if the Latest tokens paid out a 5* cover at 100%, 3 colors x 40 characters / 10 of those tokens a season = Only Logan matters.