Another Format Suggestion (Looking for Comments)

lockvine Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
First let me say I love that the Dev's are trying new things even if I don't always like what they are trying. This is how they get feedback and learn what may or may not work better. So here is my suggestion for the next PVE test. I'm looking for feedback and comments on this. Am I crazy or does this sound good to you.

Basic format points scale with difficulty of the nodes. Rewards scale up with a fixed ceiling but never stop being given and start with the CP. No timers at all. No limit to scaling of points or enemy levels but it is exponential. Easy nodes are the exception they go to 0 points and 0 rewards after 5-9 clears (people like the easy nodes so keep them). People with high level rosters should be rewarded so there is a reverse scale for roster level.


So the rewards would scale up each time the node is completed, starting with the CP if the node has them or the boost. Then the recruit token and finally increasing ISO rewards up to 500iso. When you hit 500iso for the reward that is what you will always get for completing that node every time from then on. The node should be reasonably hard to beat by this point in the rewards.

This is easy you start the nodes at a multiple of the strength of the roster say 0.6 and it scales up to infinity on an exponential curve. The level of the opponents and point rewarded for winning are just a base times this multiple. This curve should make it easy up to 1 or 2 wins, normal at 2 to 3 wins, hard for 4-6 wins, deadly at 7 wins, after 9 wins only about 10% of players should not be able to complete the node. On a 48hr sub you would just stretch this out similar to the current EotS test.

Roster Strength:
Roster strength should be rewarded. As such there is one more multiple that goes into the equation. Roster level 1-50 would be a multiple of 1, 51-94 x 0.9, 95-150 x 0.8, 151-300 x 0.7, 301+ x 0.6. This would only be applied against enemy levels not points awarded for the node.

Obviously my numbers above could be changes biased on the devs looking at actual player data. I however think this would work well for placement in PVE. The top players would be the ones that could beat insanely hard nodes through skill or tenacity. Players with higher level rosters would have the advantage they deserve for achieving that higher level roster. Node rewards would be related to the difficulty so when you beat that insanely hard node you always get a good reward for that. Most players should be able to beat nodes 4 times and progression should be set to that. For clarification the points for beating a node the 4th time will be the same for every player. The points on a node scale up the same for every player it is the enemy levels that will be different for each player.

Well what do you guys thing this is a PVE test I would at least like to try.