Sylvan Messenger Issue

ReddMaxx Posts: 54 Match Maker
Ok so when you summon Sylvan Messenger it suppose to get the next elf in your deck. And that works most of them time. I don't know all the ways that this is bugged but if you cast Mantle of Web on the messenger and then cast another messenger it doesn't get the next elf.

So I don't know if it is because it has reach on it or if Mantle bugs it. It could be if you cast any enhancement on it then it won't get the next one or maybe it is just when you cast Mantle on it. I really don't have any other spells to cast on it to see what will happen.

As a side note, if you only have sylvan messenger as the only elf in your deck, and you cast it, it will fetch another one. You can stack that sucker up fast. I then cast Mantle on it to kill off all the attackers and that is how I found out the bug. If you can get one messenger you can chain them fast if you have the mana support cards.



  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    The Dev has stated that your "deck" is 4 copies of each card, then when the deck gets emptied it builds a new deck. Did you have 4 copies out and try to grab the 5th one?
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    Basically if messenger is the only elf it will fetch another one until you have had(through normal draw or by elf fetch) 4 of them.
    When you try to fetch the fifth the game reshuffles the deck and do not give another one.
    From there on anyways if you manage go get another creature fetch effect it is possible to get messenger and start again the "4 elves" cycle cause new elves will be queued at end of the current remaining deck...
    Is a quite complicated system to understand but that is how it works.

    On a side note and mostly OT the fact that it does not draw the elf instantly after the reshuffle could be(since results in) a fast fix to talent of telepath infinite cycle(assuming it is the only spell in deck)
    That with a single creature buffed by spells could lead to "infinite" damage icon_eek.gif
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    Morphis wrote:
    On a side note and mostly OT the fact that it does not draw the elf instantly after the reshuffle could be(since results in) a fast fix to talent of telepath infinite cycle(assuming it is the only spell in deck)
    That with a single creature buffed by spells could lead to "infinite" damage icon_eek.gif

    Talent looks at the first three cards on top of the deck, you pick one then if you cast again you only see one new card because the other two were the ones you put back in the first place, You would have to have a one card deck to play them infinitely.
  • zaann85
    zaann85 Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    I use messenger and you can fetch more than 4. Stop spreading this misinformation. You can draw more than 4 copies of something as well, just try a blue deck.
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    Actually this topic is a copy of one already commented on by the Hibernum_JC (the game developer):
    Here's how the logic goes -

    When a game starts, each card in your deck is copied 3 times, for 4 copies of each card. Then this 40-card deck is shuffled, and this ends up being your Library.

    However, should your Library be empty, a new set of 40 cards is generated. Likewise, if you were to draw a specific card type that does not exist anymore in your Library, a new set is created and appended at the end of your Library.

    This ensures you never run out of cards, but that card draw is still relatively fair for both players.
    Meto5000 wrote:
    So it sounds like this is what is happening. After you cast your 4th Sylvan Messenger the game engine realizes there are no more Sylvan Messengers in your deck and generates a new 40 card set and adds it to the bottom of your library. The problem is that the draw logic for Sylvan Messenger doesn't wait for your library to refresh and instead fails to find the card. The game engine should probably handle it so that it checks to see if there is a valid target for the Sylvan Messenger ability, and if not, append a new deck set before trying to draw another elf card.

    4th Sylvan Messenger is cast and tries to draw your next elf card
    No elf card found
    Draw fails
    Game appends new 40 card deck and appends it to the bottom of your existing library

    Proposed fix:
    4th Sylvan Messenger is cast and tries to draw your next elf card
    No elf card found
    Game appends new 40 card deck and appends it to the bottom of your existing library
    Draw finds your newly generated Sylvan Messenger card