Carnage is getting red extra tiles each turn (bug?)

glars Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
EVENT: VENOM BOMB - Brookling Bridge
Battle: De vuelta en rojo y negro (Back on red and black)
Enemy Team: Carnage 4* Level 201/Demoledor 1* Level 201/Venom 4* Level 201

My team: It was the same problem for every variation that I have tried.

Problem: Carnage is getting at least two red tiles for each turn. No matter whats color of tiles that He matches neither whats color of tiles that I match. The minimun of extra red tiles that he generate is 2, but in some cases he has generated up to 5.

I think that he is generating more, than the first 2 extra tiles, when there are Attack Tiles on the board

Is this happening to anyone else?

Can I report the bugs and technical issues in spanish?


  • johnmcclane
    johnmcclane Posts: 170
    The symbiote is a red feeder
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    To go into a bit more detail: "Goon" enemies that can't swap tiles (like symbiote creatures) generate 1-2 AP of the colors of they have powers for each turn. This applies even when they're teamed up with named characters who can move tiles, which means they end up "feeding" that color AP to their allies. There was briefly an animation that played each turn for the AP generation to show you who was creating what, but people complained that it slowed the game down too much and the devs took it out.
  • glars
    glars Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Ok, thanks for reply!

    Yes, I didnt realize that was a Symbote that dont move tiles. I knew that other enemies, Hammer, Maggia, etc, generate tiles but I didnt think this one too. I cant find those details in the character profiles. icon_e_sad.gif and in some cases the spanish translation of the game is really confusing.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    glars wrote:
    Ok, thanks for reply!

    Yes, I didnt realize that was a Symbote that dont move tiles. I knew that other enemies, Hammer, Maggia, etc, generate tiles but I didnt think this one too. I cant find those details in the character profiles. icon_e_sad.gif and in some cases the spanish translation of the game is really confusing.

    Here's a good source for info: ... Quest_Wiki
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards

    It doesn't look like it would help OP since the only Symbiote with an entry in the Wiki is Demolisher.

    Additionally, the Wiki doesn't indicate that Enemies generate their own AP.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards