Best Abilities by Colour, Analysis of Results

Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
As you may have noticed the results of the polls I created to find the best ability in each colour have been posted. This is a bit of a write up to granulate and analyse the results.

Let's start with a note on the voting and scoring method. For each colour, every participant needed to choose the 5 powers they believe were the best in that colour and up to 3 that they believed were the worst. I made it so disapproval was not compulsory, to give greater flexibility and granularity to the results and better establish trends. Note that since the polls asked for "the best abilities" in each colour, many decent to good (but not "best") abilities received few to no votes, while being weighed down by negative votes, a few of which could be expected to be motivated by ignorance, spite or outright trolling. As such, I believe this is a good rough scale to keep in mind when assessing the abilities ranking (note that since we are working with 100 votes we can talk about clean percentages):
  • 61+ votes (effectively, over a 60% approval): The Best There Is
  • 41-60% approval: Excellent abilities
  • 16-40% approval: Great abilities
  • 0-15% approval: Good abilities
  • 1-10% disapproval (negative score): Decent abilities
  • 11-25% disapproval: Bad abilities
  • 26%-50% disapproval: Terrible abilities
  • 51+% disapproval: God-awful abilities

Top 10 abilities in the game (Abilities with over 60% approval)
Combining the results we get the following:

01 Recharge (3* Iron Man) 79 yellowtile.png
01 Build a Snowman/Punch a Snowman (Iceman) 79 bluetile.png
03 Whales, Whales, Whales (3* Deadpool) 77 purpletile.png
04 Full Blast (3* Cyclops) 71 blacktile.png
05 Righteous Uppercut (Luke Cage) 67 yellowtile.png
06 Repulsor Punch (4* Iron Man) 66 redtile.png
06 Whiteout (Iceman) 66 greentile.png
06 Iron Fist of K'un-Lun (Iron Fist) 66 purpletile.png
09 Die Hard (5* Wolverine) 62 yellowtile.png [passive]
10 Rage of the Panther (Black Panther) 60 blacktile.png

Black, purple and yellow each get two entries in the top 10 (plus a third, passive yellow). Not surprising for black and purple if you have been paying attention, but quite surprising for yellow!

Colour Highlights and analysys
Best ability plus runner up and worst for each colour in each tier (number is ranking within the colour, not amount of votes):

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 04 Old Habits (Wolverine), runner-up 06 House Party Protocol (Iron Man), worst 18 Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (Captain America)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 07 Maggia Pawns (Kingpin), runner-up 09 Uncanny Strategist (Cyclops), worst 34 Kick Out the Jams (Spider-Gwen)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 01 Recharge (Iron Man), runner-up 02 Righteous Uppercut (Luke Cage), worst 33 Sentinel of Liberty (Captain America)
star.pngstar.pngBest 03 Thunder Strike (Thor), runner-up 14 Sunder (Ares), worst 35 Snarky Remark (Spider-Man)
star.pngBest 23 Armored Assault (Iron Man), runner-up and worst 26 Mistress of the Elements (Storm)

Yellow has only 35 active abilities, the second lowest in the game and has 20 abilities with positive (above 0%) approval. Most of its highly rated abilities belong to 3*s while most 4*s have merely good to great abilities. As MPQ has managed to introduce a good number of yellow abilities not only related to protect tiles and fake-healing, yellow seems to be in the uptick of approval among the playerbase.

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 07 Finish the Fight (Wolverine), runner-up 10 Psychic Flames (Jean Grey), worst 30 Cosmic Beam (Silver Surfer)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 01 Repulsor Punch (Iron Man), runner-up 03 Combined Forces (Cyclops), worst 50 Prehistoric Chomp
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 02 Star Spangled Avenger (Captain America), runner-up 04 Optic Blasts (Cyclops), worst 54 Smash (Hulk)
star.pngstar.pngBest 02 Star Spangled Avenger (Captain America), runner-up 08 Fireball (Human Torch), worst 45 Blast Arrow (Hawkeye)
star.pngBest 15 Headbutt (Juggernaut), runner-up 35 Repulsor Blast (Iron Man), worst 48 Arrow Stab (Hawkeye)

Red has 54 active abilities, an entirely freak amount compared to all the other colours which caused a bigger spread of points. It doesn't help that while it has fewer godawful abilities than most colours, it also has a really high number of mediocre to barely good ones, making it so less than a half of red abilities obtained a score over 0! 4*s dominate the top 10 this time and 2*s manage to have two abilities up there, though admittedly, carried over in score by their Gold counterparts. Red has been historically a colour devoid of depth as its main shtick is "damage, lots of it" and there's just so many times you can improve that and not many ways you can make it feel different.

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 11 Girl FRIDAY (Iron Man), runner-up 15 Perfect Being (Silver Surfer), worst 24 Coordinated Offensive (Captain America)/Taek-web-do (Spider-Man)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 01 Build a Snowman/Punch a Snowman (Iceman), runner-up 04 Demolition (Nick Fury), worst 40 See the Math of It (Hulk)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 03 Magnetized Projectiles (Magneto), runner-up 08 Peacemaker (Captain America), worst 40 Bewilder (Psylocke)
star.pngstar.pngBest 02 Wind Storm (Storm), runner-up 06 Anti-Gravity Machine (Black Widow), worst 38 Web Slinger (Spider-Man)
star.pngBest 07 Widow’s Sting (Black Widow), runner-up 31 All Tied Up (Spider-Man), worst 35 Ultra-Freon Beam (Iron Man)

Blue has a total of 41 abilities and a very decent 24 of them achieved positive approval. This colour is the one that better allows a chance for the lower tiers to shine with 3 2* powers and a 1* one! However nice is to see lower characters remain useful, this is also sadly symptomatic of the colour not having been given many good abilities since those characters were created. Indeed, with the exception of Build a Snowman and Called Shot, all the powers in the the top 10 are the same as they were year and a half ago! Weirdly enough, most of the new abilities appearing in the top 10-20 are from 2016 characters, meaning that 2015 was almost a competely barren year with respect to blue abilities.

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 11 Trick or Treat (Green Goblin), runner-up and worst 14 Psychic Rapport (Jean Grey)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 03 Mind Over Matter (Jean Grey), runner-up 04 Gamma Siphon (Red Hulk), 39 Prehistoric Arms (Devil Dino)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 01 Whales, Whales, Whales (Deadpool), runner-up 02 Iron Fist of K'un-Lun (Iron Fist), worst 36 Bird Strike (Sam Wilson)
star.pngstar.pngBest 06 Aggressive Recon (Black Widow), runner-up 12 Polarity Shift (Magneto), worst 41 Switcheroo (Spider-Man)
star.pngBest 23 Spectacular Strategy (Spider-Man), runner-up 26 Aggressive Reckon (Black Widow), worst 40 Lethal Reckon (Yelena Balova)

Is a common complaint nowadays that there are many new purple characters, but the truth is that purple was woefully underpopulated year and a half ago, and all these continuous releases have merely served to bring the colour to the average number of 41 abilities. (It is ok to stop now, though). Unlike blue, positive approval is taken mostly by newish characters rather than old ones (old purple abilities tended to suck with a few marked exceptions) and as such, the top 10 is almost equally made up of 3* and 4* abilities.

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 07 Phoenix Force (Jean Grey), runner-up and worst 20 Automotive Artillery (Spider-Man)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 01 Whiteout (Iceman), runner-up 03 Full of Surprises (Jean Grey), 40 Mastermind Excello (Hulk)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 02 Embiggened Bash (Kamala Khan), runner-up 03 Sniper Rifle (Black Widow), worst 42 Godlike Power (Ragnarok)
star.pngstar.pngBest 06 Call the Storm (Thor), runner-up 10 Lightning Storm (Storm), worst 32 Deadly Precision (Bullseye)
star.pngBest 08 Unstoppable Crash (Juggernaut), runner-up and worst 17 Lightning Strike (Storm)

Green has 42 abilities and 25 of them reached positive approval, one of the best averages. Green used to be a very overrated colour; it had the undeniable best ability in the best character of its time (back when I first ran these polls two years ago), Call the Storm. However, other than that, it had avery shallow pool of generally weak abilities (just look at that collection of **** 3* abilities below the worst of the 1* and 2*s! And how few in the top 10!). Although it remained true for a good while after those polls, it has been slowly being corrected as of late. This had the effect of making its top 10 very diverse in term of tiers.

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 04 Living Legend/Still Sharp (Wolverine), runner-up 08 Goblin Glider (Green Goblin), worst 20 Silver Singularity (Silver Surfer)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 03 Surgical Strike (Wolverine), runner-up 05 Penance Stare (Ghost Rider), 35 Hot Dog Stand (Hulk)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 01 Full Blast (Cyclops), runner-up 02 Rage of the Panther (Black Panther), worst 27 Psi-Katana (Psylocke)
star.pngstar.pngBest 23 Sonic Boom (Captain Marvel), runner-up 26 Inferno (Human Torch), worst 31 Murderous Aim (Bullseye)
star.pngBest 13 Hailstorm (Storm), runner-up and worst 31 Devour (Venom)

One of the bigger revelations when I first ran these polls was to find out how solid a colour black was. While none of its abilities were widely acknowledged as "the best" most of them rated highly and made a good percentage of the "great" to "excellent" ranks. This hasn't changed much since, as most of the new abilities it's gained are pretty good (with a few glaring exceptions) and there's a healthy divide of 3* and 4* abilities in the top 10, and even 20. That said, there haven't been that many new black abilities, so the colour has dropped from the average to the colour with the least actives at 34.

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 01 Die Hard (Wolverine), runner-up 09 From the Ashes (Jean Grey), worst 27 Shadowy Acrobatics (Spider-Man)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 02 Master Plan (Prof. X), runner-up 05 Psychic Feedback (Jean Grey) , 41 Give and Take (Venom)
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngBest 03 Arcane Incantation (Scarlet Witch), runner-up 04 Dormammu’s Aid (The Hood), worst 37 Life of the Party (3* Deadpool)
star.pngstar.pngBest 20 Pheromone Rage (Daken), runner-up 23 Speed Shot (Hawkeye), worst 38 Healing Factor (Wolverine)
star.png No Show

The scale I placed at the beginning of this post not really applies to passives as they are generally seen as a neat bonus and the ones towards the bottom are more controversial than bad, and even the weaker ones are usually useful enough. This category is where 5*s shine a bit brighter as they become immediately useful even at low levels and low amount of covers. It's still a very generalised category so let's make a colour breakdown:

yellowflag.png 12 total passives. Best 01 Die Hard (5* Wolverine), runner-up 07 Bring Out The Best (3* Kamala Khan), worst 38 Healing Factor (2* Wolverine) (fun fact: 3* Wolverine's is exactly in the middle of the pack.)
redflag.png 4 total passives. Best 11 Unbreakable (3* Luke Cage), runner-up 12 Reluctant Hero (5* Wolverine), worst 33 Seeing Red (4* Red Hulk)
blueflag.png 7 total passives. Best 02 Master Plan (4* Prof. X), runner-up 03 Arcane Incantation (3* Scarlet Witch), worst 35 Supersonic (3* Quicksilver)
purpleflag.png 5 total passives. Best 20 Pheromone Rage (2* and 3* Daken), runner-up 23 Speed Shot (2* Hawkeye), worst 31 Spider-Sense (3* Spider-Man)
greenflag.png 3 total passives. Best 08 Mischief (3* Loki), runner-up 09 From the Ashes (5* Jean Grey), worst 10 The Thirst (3* Blade)
blackflag.png 10 total passives. Best 06 Exquisite Technique (3* Iron Fist), runner-up 13 X-Enforcer (4* Deadpool), worst 41 Give and Take (4* Venom)

Yellow and black, the colours with least active abilities also get the most passives. Note, though, that even when you add passives and actives together, these colours still come behind, specially black. Although yellow has the most passives (and the very best one), the greater majority of its skills are in the bottom half. Green only has 3 passives, but all three are among the best, and blue has a fantastic 4 out of 7 passive abilities in the top 10. Even its worst ability, Supersonic is nothing to sneeze at (if still rather underrated). Black and red have a somewhat even spread, but all purple abilities are in the bottom half. As an aside, I cannot help to be amused at the fact that the best green and red passives are abilities that blatantly have no businesses being those colours.

More to come soon. In the meantime, vote for the very best active ability in the game! (from a pool of the 3 best from each colour.)


  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2016
    And now, what's usually the main feature of these polls, the Character Ranking by Addition of Powers!!! (TM)

    (Feel free to skip this paragraph if you don't care about technicalities.) There were two ways to approach this, adding up the votes of each ability, or adding up the rank of each ability within their category. In the end, I decided to use the latter approach as I felt that in the first, the amount of votes each ability got was also influenced by the quality (or lack thereof) of the other abilities in the pool, while ranks would be a more absolute thing. There was a little problem with the former approach, though, wherein colours with more abilities (particularly red) "punished" much more harshly the abilities at the bottom than the colours with less abilities. I fixed it by capping the max score that could be added to a rank to an average of 40 and slightly inflating the score of the bottom abilities in the colours with less than 40 abilities. Similarly, characters with only two powers were added a 41 as the score of their missing third ability. Is not perfect, but I was pleased with the results and hopefully so will you be. I'll display within brackets the total amount of votes each skill got, for those curious of the alternative ranking and also as tie-breakers. (Thanks to aeosthecyst for compiling those.) Finally, characters with more than 3 powers got all their abilities in a given colour averaged, and so were their votes. Anywhow, without further ado...

    Character Ranking by Addition of Powers
    01 4* Jean Grey 3+3+5 = 11 (109 total votes)
    02 3* Cyclops 7+4+1 = 12 (130)
    03 5* Wolverine ((4+1)/2)+((7+12)/2)+4 = 16 (124 (averaged))
    04 4* Cyclops 9+3+5 = 17 (97)
    05 Iceman 1+17+1 = 19 (150)
    06 Luke Cage 2+7+11 = 20 (115)
    07 Kamala Khan 14+2+7 = 23 (95)
    08 Iron Fist 2+17+6 = 25 (103)
    09 4* Deadpool 5+8+13 = 26 (54)
    10 4* Iron Man 1+21+6 = 28 (103)
    11 Prof. X 9+2+17 = 28 (72)
    12 5* Iron Man 6+12+11 = 29 (55)
    13 Loki 12+9+8 = 29 (54)
    14 Blade 10+10+10 = 30 (50)
    15 3* Magneto 21+8+3 = 32 (73)
    16 5* Jean Grey 10+14+((7+9)/2) = 32 (48)
    17 2* Black Widow 6+6+23 = 35 (70)
    18 4* Thor 21+5+9 = 35 (51)
    19 Green Goblin 17+11+8 = 36 (45)
    20 4* Punisher 15+11+11 = 37 (24)
    21 Nick Fury 16+4+18 = 38 (53)
    22 Kingpin 7+21+12 = 40 (32)
    23 Red Hulk 4+5+33 = 42 (83)
    24 The Hood 11+27+4 = 42 (41)
    25 Rocket & Groot 10+20+13 = 43 (28)
    26 3* Iron Man 1+16+27 = 44 (85)
    27 Black Panther 5+37+2 = 44 (79)
    28 2* and 3* Thor 3+37+6 = 46 (88)
    29 3* Captain America 36+2+8 46 (52)
    30 Dr. Doom 15+16+15 = 46 (16)
    31 3* Black Widow 40+5+3 = 48 (70)
    32 2* Storm 2+10+36 = 48 (54)
    33 Quake 13+16+19 = 48 (18)
    34 Scarlet Witch 7+39+3 = 49 (38)
    35 4* Wolverine 14+34+3 = 51 (59)
    36 Ant–Man 10+19+23 = 52 (18)
    37 Daredevil 11+12+31 = 54 (22)
    38 2* and 3* Human Torch 8+20+26 = 54 (15)
    39 Nova 13+26+17 = 56 (15)
    40 War Machine 21+15+20 = 56 (9)
    41 1* and 3* Storm 26+17+13 = 56 (5)
    42 Ares 14+30+14 = 58 (18)
    43 X–23 21+11+26 = 58 (11)
    44 3* Wolverine 30+9+20 = 59 (18)
    45 2* Magneto 16+33+12 = 61 (8)
    46 5* Captain America 18+20+24 = 62 (12)
    47 The Thing 21+14+27 = 62 (10)
    48 3* Punisher 12+32+19 = 63 (8)
    49 Winter Soldier 21+19+23 = 63 (6)
    50 3* Deadpool 26+1+37 = 64 (62)
    51 Juggernaut 15+8+41 = 64 (25)
    52 Howard the Duck 21+19+25 = 65 (0)
    53 Colossus 20+21+25 = 66 (-1)
    54 4* Sam Wilson 19+26+23 = 68 (7)
    55 3* Sam Wilson 36+15+17 = 68 (3)
    56 Quicksilver 17+17+35 = 69 (-7)
    57 She–Hulk 26+32+11 = 69 (4)
    58 5* Spider–Man 24+20+27 = 71 (3)
    59 3* Bullseye 19+32+20 = 71 (0)
    60 2* and 3* Daken 21+31+20 = 71 (-4)
    61 Mystique 28+30+14 = 72 (2)
    62 2* Wolverine 14+21+38 = 73 (-23)
    63 1* Black Widow 7+26+41 = 74 (30)
    64 Silver Surfer 30+15+20 = 75 (3)
    65 3* Hulk 40+20+15 = 75 (-33)
    66 Beast 27+23+26 = 76 (-9)
    67 Invisible Woman 19+24+35 = 78 (-7)
    68 4* Venom 11+28+40 = 79 (-20)
    69 Vision 32+(19+39+40)/3+14 = 79 (-23)
    70 Ghost Rider 40+35+5 = 80 (25)
    71 Gamora 30+31+20 = 81 (-5)
    72 Elektra 30+37+16 = 83 (-29)
    73 2* Captain Marvel 24+40+23 = 87 (-12)
    74 Carnage 21+26+40 87 (-28)
    75 Spider–Gwen 38+16+33 = 87 (-37)
    76 3* Captain Marvel 40+20+29 = 89 (-11)
    77 Miles Morales 25+39+26 = 90 (-10)
    78 3* Spider–Man 29+31+31 = 91 (-30)
    79 Squirrel Girl 34+28+29 = 91 (-31)
    80 1* Iron Man 23+35+35 = 93 (-17)
    81 1* Spider–Man 40+31+23 = 94 (-12)
    82 Drax 35+35+24 = 94 (-13)
    83 2* Bullseye 32+32+30 = 94 (-31)
    84 2* Hawkeye 40+34+23 = 97 (-20)
    85 2* Captain America 34+36+29= 99 (-36)
    86 Star–Lord 29+40+31 = 100 (-27)
    87 Dr. Octopus 30+37+33 = 100 (-36)
    88 1* Venom 29+32+41 = 102 (-22)
    89 Mr. Fantastic 35+30+38 = 103 (-61)
    90 Moonstone 37+38+29 = 104 (-51)
    91 Psylocke 40+40+27 = 107 (-80)
    92 Sentry 30+40+40 = 110 (-87)
    93 1* Hawkeye 40+34+41 = 115 (-24)
    94 Devil Dino 40+39+37 = 116 (-85)
    95 Yelena Balova 40+37+41 = 118 (-80)
    96 2* Spider–Man 40+38+40 = 118 (-132)
    97 Ragnarok 40+39+40 = 119 (-87)
    98 4* Hulk 40+40+40 = 120 (-162)

    Please note that this is meant mostly as a fun academic exercise. We all know, for example, that Rulk is one of the best characters in the game but here, his abysmal red passive significantly hurts his rank, while the near perfect combination of skills of 3* Cyclops put him firmly at the top. Some characters are really not that good here, on paper, but they have ONE ability that is so crucially important in the metagame that they are without doubt some of the most used characters in practice. (see IM40 or Scarlet Witch). I think that a good approach to think of these rankings in a way that makes sense is a "Balance of Power", 1 on 1 scenario. That way, a character with 3 good and synergistic abilities is more likely to be better than a character with only 1 or 2 great abilities and one that's almost irrelevant or useless.

    By tier
    01 Wolverine 16 (124)
    02 Iron Man 29 (55)
    03 Jean Grey 32 (48)
    04 Green Goblin 36 (45)
    05 Captain America 62 (12)
    06 Spider–Man 71 (3)
    07 Silver Surfer 75 (3)

    01 Jean Grey 11 (109)
    02 Cyclops 17 (97)
    03 Iceman 19 (150)
    04 Deadpool 26 (54)
    05 Iron Man 28 (103)
    06 Prof. X 28 (72)
    07 Thor 35 (51)
    08 Punisher 37 (24)
    09 Nick Fury 38 (53)
    10 Kingpin 40 (32)
    11 Red Hulk 42 (83)
    12 Quake 48 (18)
    13 Wolverine 51 (59)
    14 Ant–Man 52 (18)
    15 Nova 56 (15)
    16 War Machine 56 (9)
    17 X–23 58 (11)
    18 The Thing 62 (10)
    19 Winter Soldier 63 (6)
    20 Howard the Duck 65 (0)
    21 Sam Wilson 68 (7)
    22 Invisible Woman 78 (-7)
    23 Venom 79 (-20)
    24 Ghost Rider 80 (25)
    25 Elektra 83 (-29)
    26 Carnage 87 (-28)
    27 Spider–Gwen 87 (-37)
    28 Miles Morales 25+39+26 = 90 (-10)
    29 Drax 94 (-13)
    30 Star–Lord 100 (-27)
    31 Mr. Fantastic 103 (-61)
    32 Devil Dino 116 (-85)
    33 Hulk 40+40+40 = 120 (-162)

    01 3* Cyclops 12 (130)
    02 Luke Cage 20 (115)
    03 Kamala Khan 23 (95)
    04 Iron Fist 25 (103)
    05 Loki 29 (54)
    06 Blade 30 (50)
    07 Magneto 32 (73)
    08 The Hood 42 (41)
    09 Rocket & Groot 43 (28)
    10 Iron Man 44 (85)
    11 Black Panther 44 (79)
    12 Thor 46 (88)
    13 Captain America 46 (52)
    14 Dr. Doom 46 (16)
    15 Black Widow 48 (70)
    16 Scarlet Witch 49 (38)
    17 Daredevil 54 (22)
    18 Human Torch 54 (15)
    19 Storm 6 (5)
    20 Wolverine 59 (18)
    21 Punisher 63 (8)
    22 Deadpool 64 (62)
    23 Colossus 66 (-1)
    24 Sam Wilson 68 (3)
    25 Quicksilver 69 (-7)
    26 She–Hulk 69 (4)
    27 Bullseye 71 (0)
    28 Daken 71 (-4)
    29 Mystique 72 (2)
    30 Hulk 75 (-33)
    31 Beast 76 (-9)
    32 Vision 79 (-23)
    33 Gamora 81 (-5)
    34 Captain Marvel 89 (-11)
    35 Spider–Man 91 (-30)
    36 Squirrel Girl 91 (-31)
    37 Dr. Octopus 100 (-36)
    38 Psylocke 107 (-80)
    39 Sentry 110 (-87)
    40 Ragnarok 119 (-87)

    01 Black Widow 35 (70)
    02 Thor 46 (88)
    03 Captain America 46 (52) {disregard this}
    04 Storm 48 (54)
    05 Human Torch 54 (15)
    06 Ares 58 (18)
    07 Magneto 61 (8)
    08 Daken 71 (-4)
    09 Wolverine 73 (-23)
    10 Captain Marvel 87 (-12)
    11 Bullseye 94 (-31)
    12 Hawkeye 102 (-20)
    13 Moonstone 104 (-51)
    14 Spider–Man 118 (-132)

    01 Storm 56(5)
    02 Juggernaut 64 (25)
    03 Black Widow 74 (30)
    04 Iron Man 93 (-17)
    05 Spider–Man 94 (-12)
    06 Venom 102 (-22)
    07 Hawkeye 115 (-24)
    08 Yelena Balova 118 (-80)
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Reserved, just in case.
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Interesting if not surprising that all of Chulks powers are rated the worst in the 4* tier for their respective colours.
  • RoboDuck
    RoboDuck Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Interesting results. Keep it up!
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker


    negative one hundred and sixty two

  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jam_Adams wrote:


    negative one hundred and sixty two


    Gotta love how he got a perfect 40/40/40 score. Even Bagman and Yelena have an ability that escaped the lowest score. It also seems as though people have grown even more hateful of Ragnarok with time.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    No time to analyse in detail, but definitely some odd picks for best and worst here.

    Blade's thirst worst? ****.

    2* caps red best? That's people selecting for 3* cap right? And hawkeye's blast arrow worst? :/
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    No time to analyse in detail, but definitely some odd picks for best and worst here.

    Blade's thirst worst? ****.

    2* caps red best? That's people selecting for 3* cap right? And hawkeye's blast arrow worst? :/

    Agreed, 2* Cap's red best? 2* Mags' Magnetic Flux didn't rate a mention, and is probably one of the best 2* red abilities out there - it may be tied to a CD tile, but it has significant damage output, and generates AP to boot. And in 3* territory, Thirst can be a game ending ability. Some odd voting there.
  • clay_peterson
    clay_peterson Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    No time to analyse in detail, but definitely some odd picks for best and worst here.

    Blade's thirst worst? ****.

    2* caps red best? That's people selecting for 3* cap right? And hawkeye's blast arrow worst? :/

    "Worst" is technically accurate, but misleading. There are only three green passives, and Blade came in third among those three. However, it's 10th overall among ALL passives, so it's still ranked very highly.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    No time to analyse in detail, but definitely some odd picks for best and worst here.

    Blade's thirst worst? ****.

    2* caps red best? That's people selecting for 3* cap right? And hawkeye's blast arrow worst? :/

    "Worst" is technically accurate, but misleading. There are only three green passives, and Blade came in third among those three. However, it's 10th overall among ALL passives, so it's still ranked very highly.

    It's an interesting poll for sure, but I think with the colour and tier differences not ideal for ranking characters
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Jam_Adams wrote:


    negative one hundred and sixty two


    Gotta love how he got a perfect 40/40/40 score. Even Bagman and Yelena have an ability that escaped the lowest score. It also seems as though people have grown even more hateful of Ragnarok with time.

    I think people are down on Cho just because he's Cho. His green and blue are usable if not great, it's really his black that's the game ender.

    Rag's rework hurt him a lot. From being a moderately fun if not powerful spammer and board shaker to a weak team damaging aoe and self-heal... no thanks.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    No time to analyse in detail, but definitely some odd picks for best and worst here.

    Blade's thirst worst? ****.

    2* caps red best? That's people selecting for 3* cap right? And hawkeye's blast arrow worst? :/

    Hopefully after a more careful reread you noticed that I mentioned the fact that green has only 3 abilities and all of them are among top 10 icon_razz.gif So yeah, it goes to show that the worst green passive is better than the 75% of the other passives! Hell, it is better than the best red passive, and much, much better than the best purple!

    I do regret a bit having mixed cap 2* and 3*. I haven't played with 2* cap in literally 2 years so even though the abilities' design is identical, I forgot that the values are absurdly different so 2* cap is nowhere as powerful in its tier as 3* cap is in his. Most likely, 2* Spangled Avenger by itself would have been the worst red active in 2* land, but don't go thinking that Blast Arrow would have fared much better. It would still be decidedly the second least liked.
    morph3us wrote:
    Agreed, 2* Cap's red best? 2* Mags' Magnetic Flux didn't rate a mention, and is probably one of the best 2* red abilities out there - it may be tied to a CD tile, but it has significant damage output, and generates AP to boot. And in 3* territory, Thirst can be a game ending ability. Some odd voting there.

    I agree with you about Magnetic Flux, but even removing 2* Star Spangled Avenger, MF still would come third in the poll! I do believe it's an underrated ability that deserves to be either first or second in its category, but it's certainly not the only underrated ability in the poll (may I introduce you my friend Quicksilver?)
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Updated with a tier breakdown in the second post!