Claimed Reward points not being received

ScubaMD Posts: 34
When I start a PvP battle, there's an indicator of how many points I will receive. Very frequently, these numbers are not matching - I've entered battles which were worth 50 points only to get 20-30.

By displaying a reward score, that is the reward players must earn, no matter what.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    ScubaMD wrote:
    When I start a PvE battle, there's an indicator of how many points I will receive. Very frequently, these numbers are not matching - I've entered battles which were worth 50 points only to get 20-30.

    By displaying a reward score, that is the reward players must earn, no matter what.

    Are you talking about PVP? If so, check this out.. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=44476 3rd post will explain.

    If talking about PVE, see viewtopic.php?f=9&t=45314
  • ScubaMD
    ScubaMD Posts: 34
    You are correct in that I meant to type PvP. I've amended the original post.

    It took me a while to understand why you thought the third post of the referenced thread was of any relevance, but I looked at the one afterwards and I'm guessing this is what you meant.

    This makes PvP even more useless than before. Points gained must match what is provided in the preview. The other intricacies of other attacks are wholly irrelevant. When I enter a match rated for 50 points, I earn 50 points. If I'm only going to earn 25 or something, I would just pick a better matchup.

    The biggest issue with this game is that it frequently wastes my time instead of allowing me to spend my time with it. This is an extremely clear-cut example. Players should be able to make informed decisions. Changing the reward because of an external factor that has nothing to do with the battle between me and the PvP target is the dumbest idea I've heard in quite a while.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unfortunately, the best advice the forum has to offer is to skip a bunch before fighting to ensure your scores are up to date before fighting. Even then, there's no guarantee, as a high value target with an easy team can be hit multiple times between the start of your match and the finish.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unfortunately, the best advice the forum has to offer is to skip a bunch before fighting to ensure your scores are up to date before fighting. Even then, there's no guarantee, as a high value target with an easy team can be hit multiple times between the start of your match and the finish.

    That, and check what alliance they belong to. Players for top alliances do not allow their scores to tank. But this doesn't help new players because they aren't familiar with all the high level alliance names.
  • ScubaMD
    ScubaMD Posts: 34
    udonomefoo wrote:
    That, and check what alliance they belong to. Players for top alliances do not allow their scores to tank. But this doesn't help new players because they aren't familiar with all the high level alliance names.
    I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. When starting a battle, all players should get the points that are quoted. It does not matter what alliance they are in or what external actions happen during that matchup.