4* Magik (Illyana Rasputin)

theabsoluteword Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
edited June 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png Magik (Uncanny X-Men)

yellowflag.png Soulsword, 12AP
Magik swings her mystical blade at the opponent, destroying 2 random special tiles (Enemy or Friendly), dealing 250 damage for each.

Level 2: 400 Damage Each
Level 3: 3 Tiles, 600 Damage Each
Level 4: 800 Damage Each
Level 5: 4 Tiles

blackflag.png Magics of Limbo, 10AP
Proficient in both black and white magic, Magik turns the tide of battle to her favor. Creates 1 Friendly Attack, Protect or Strike Tile of strength 21 if there are none and deals 200 damage to the enemy team. If Friendly Attack, Protect or Strike Tiles already exist, Magik instead gives her team a burst of 200 Health.

Level 2: Creates 2 Tiles of strength 30, deals 300 damage or heals 300 Health
Level 3: Tile Strength 40, Deals 400 Damage or Heals 400
Level 4: Creates 3 Tiles, Deals 500 Damage or Heals 500
Level 5: 9 AP Cost

redflag.png Otherplace, (PASSIVE)
Magik's connection to Limbo grows stronger as she uses its power, pushing her closer to her demonic side. If there are 7 Friendly Strike, Protect or Attack Tiles on the board, this power changes to "Darkchylde" and stays that way until "Darkchylde" is used.

redflag.png Darkchylde, 8AP
Magik's overuse of Limbo's dark power has awakened her demonic alter ego. Changes upto 2 Friendly Strike, Protect or Attack Tiles into Enemy Tiles, dealing 400 damage per tile converted. Any leftover Friendly Strike, Protect or Attack Tiles are destroyed, dealing damage and generating AP.

Level 2: Converts 3 Tiles into Enemy Tiles, Deals 500 Damage Each
Level 3: Deals 600 Damage each
Level 4: Converts 4 Tiles into Enemy Tiles, 10 AP Cost
Level 5: 800 Damage Each


  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    This one has a lot of design flaws.

    yellowflag.png Soulsword. 12 AP is expensive for a cleanse effect. For something that has the same mechanics as Radar Sense, it should at least be equal to it. Lower the cost and increase the upper limit of enemy tiles cleansed at maximum. I'd suggest at least 6 or 7 enemy tiles at max at a cost of 10 yellowtile.png

    blackflag.png Magics of Limbo. This one should still be making special tiles once they exist, or alternatively; "Creates # special tiles if none exist. If friendly strike, protect, attack tiles exist, Magik instead drains the enemy team of health to revitalize her allies. Deals 200 damage to the enemy team and gives her team a burst of 200 health." The damage and heal listed are certainly low enough to maintain the low cost of the power. Also, I suggest this should create 1 strike, 1 protect, and 1 attack tile at level 1, due to the low strength listed and the stipulation that no such tiles exist. Add an additional random strike/protect/attack tile at levels 2 and 4 (for a total of 4 and 5 tiles created, not 6 and 9).

    redflag.png Otherplace. This is Hot Dog Stand. With no way to make that number of tiles on her own, the power becomes next to useless. The power should either be a full passive that activates once enough tiles exist at the start of your turn, or a power that converts to a new power once the tiles exist and stay that way. I'm thinking something along the lines of it being a passive that creates a random friendly special tile at the start of your turn. It would need to either 1. Activate when you have # red AP at the start of your turn or 2. Activate when # red tiles are on the board at the start of your turn. This one could be a double-edged sword, creating enemy special tiles if too much (probably black tiles) exist, reducing their strength with rank and increasing number of tiles required to make enemy tiles, but Soulsword needs something to function with.
  • theabsoluteword
    theabsoluteword Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    zodiac339 wrote:
    This one has a lot of design flaws.

    yellowflag.png Soulsword. 12 AP is expensive for a cleanse effect. For something that has the same mechanics as Radar Sense, it should at least be equal to it. Lower the cost and increase the upper limit of enemy tiles cleansed at maximum. I'd suggest at least 6 or 7 enemy tiles at max at a cost of 10 yellowtile.png

    blackflag.png Magics of Limbo. This one should still be making special tiles once they exist, or alternatively; "Creates # special tiles if none exist. If friendly strike, protect, attack tiles exist, Magik instead drains the enemy team of health to revitalize her allies. Deals 200 damage to the enemy team and gives her team a burst of 200 health." The damage and heal listed are certainly low enough to maintain the low cost of the power. Also, I suggest this should create 1 strike, 1 protect, and 1 attack tile at level 1, due to the low strength listed and the stipulation that no such tiles exist. Add an additional random strike/protect/attack tile at levels 2 and 4 (for a total of 4 and 5 tiles created, not 6 and 9).

    redflag.png Otherplace. This is Hot Dog Stand. With no way to make that number of tiles on her own, the power becomes next to useless. The power should either be a full passive that activates once enough tiles exist at the start of your turn, or a power that converts to a new power once the tiles exist and stay that way. I'm thinking something along the lines of it being a passive that creates a random friendly special tile at the start of your turn. It would need to either 1. Activate when you have # red AP at the start of your turn or 2. Activate when # red tiles are on the board at the start of your turn. This one could be a double-edged sword, creating enemy special tiles if too much (probably black tiles) exist, reducing their strength with rank and increasing number of tiles required to make enemy tiles, but Soulsword needs something to function with.

    Thanks for the suggestions! I appreciate your thorough breakdown of my character. Hopefully Magik will make her debut into MPQ so we can see what her actual skills will look like!
    Good day!