Lag with Minion Powers

Zyrook Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
So I'm noticing that certain good powers have an odd lag to them. It's nothing game-breaking, but it is highly annoying since it adds up really fast. The HAMMER flamethrower has a lag between when the animation ends and when the tiles are destroyed, and the symboyote Demolisher has a full second between when its power is activated and the countdown tiles appear on the screen. Considering how many powers symbiyote heavy teams fire off and how long it takes to go through all of their start of turn effects, it's easy to see how a lag like this can be especially grating.

Is anyone else getting these weird lags? I can't tell if it's just my system or what. What strikes me as odd is it's just a handful of minion powers and not full character skills. All of the player stuff and boss powers fire off instantly as intended.


  • Kaeyne
    Kaeyne Posts: 68 Match Maker
    I noticed that as well when I was fighting the russian Widow and two symbiotes. The whole flow of the game feels considerably slower. Which is annoying when you're just sitting there waiting for the AI to finish its move.