Spell confirm page should allow us to view the board

BigMao Posts: 117
There are several spells whose effects depend on the gems on the board.

When casting any of these spells, it would be very nice if we could review the board before deciding whether to cast it. However, when the confirm box pops up, it obscures the board which means we can't make the best decision. It would be nice if we could still see the board when deciding whether to cast one of these spells. For example, pressing outside the box could hide the box and reveal the board, then letting go would show the box again. I think it should be simple to implement and very helpful.


  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Yep. Posted this in bugs or suggestions, don't remember which. No official reply still. This game needs so many quality of life fixes!
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    This is a good idea even though some of these don't have any confirmations and I THINK it uses the number of gems on the board BEFORE you match any so it might not even give you a true picture.

    It would be nice to see for things like Crumble to Dust though and I'm sure lots of other things.

    Does anyone know for sure what gems are counted when it says "if there are xxx gems" ?
  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    I'm pretty sure it goes by how many gems are on the board after all the matches are done triggering. I only say this because I've seen animists Awakening work after some green gems fell onto the board when there wasn't 8 to begin with, but there were 8 after board settled and the spell was ready to cast.
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    It's definitely based on the number of gems after all the matching is done. I've gambled on Fiery Impulse enough times to confirm this.