My Recent (Disappointing) Customer Service Experience

dfour24 Posts: 23
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So I dont post on this forum but I have been a reader here since the beginning. Today on a whim I decided to submit a ticket to D3 CS based on the problematic 5* pull rate to see what kind of explanation they could give even though I knew what was coming. I just wanted to post my experience here just to show that D3 does not care about it.

My 1st Response: Hello. I was wondering if someone could take a look at my 5* pull rate from the Legendary Tokens. I believe i havent pulled a 5* in over a month and have pulled probably at least 20-30 classic tokens. As a player currently fully in the 4*-5* game the continuous lack of 5* gains is killing my progression.

D3 CS Response: Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee to obtain rare characters or covers when redeeming recruit tokens or purchasing recruit token packs. The drop rates for each Recruit Token can be found by clicking the "?" icon displayed in their respective stores and are broken down for each featured event. Drop rates can be both good or bad, and the rate at which you pull covers has its own probability. While some probabilities may seem low, they can still occur. Please keep in mind that each Token pull made does not affect the outcome of your following pulls. We are sorry to hear that you didn't get the covers that you were hoping for, and we hope that you have better luck in the future, but there is little we can do regarding this issue.

We understand your feelings regarding the drop rates. However, please note that probabilities for a given cover are not a guarantee. Since the outcome you observed is among the many possibilities, we will be unable to take any further action regarding this issue.

My 2nd Response: Thank you for the prompt response. I understand token pulls are no guarantee. Being a nearly day 1 player i obviously understand that and dont think i should be pandered to.

What i believe however is your system of giving these 5* rewards out solely through these tokens is skewing the players ability to progress. Under your logic, if i never have "good luck" and forever pull nothing but 4*s from your legendary packs then its "oh well!" for the player.

Its an unfairly designed system that has no other way to circumvent it and earn these 5* rewards in any other fashion. Ive been begging to pull just 1 Old Man Logan yellow cover for months. If there were a viable alternate way to earn it i would wholely understand your argument. But currently i fall under the mercy of rng just to be able to compete in the game that d3 has designed

D3 CS Response: Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

We are always thankful to receive feedback from players, and we thank you for the information provided.

We take our customer's feedback very seriously and we will certainly discuss it with the rest of the team and take it into consideration.

So there we go. D3 did not try to argue that the system doesnt work nor did they even attempt to satisfy a clearly dissatisfied customer. While I am not surprised with the canned response, I am surprised that there was no attempt at appeasement in any way.


  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    It's probably because they don't really have any other answer. It's all RNG, they know the vast majority of us don't like it, and it's going to stay that way for a while. 4* is the endgame right now, and 5* are for the lucky or the whales.

    But I'm with ya. I dislike automated formal responses as much as the next guy.
  • We_are_Venom
    We_are_Venom Posts: 308 Mover and Shaker
    How can they appease you? Give you one? That wouldn't really solve much long term. Change your specific odds? That wouldn't be right. Not trying to be rude but you're complaining to the casino the roulette wheel hasn't let you win, which is silly.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    dfour24 wrote:
    So I dont post on this forum but I have been a reader here since the beginning. Today on a whim I decided to submit a ticket to D3 CS based on the problematic 5* pull rate to see what kind of explanation they could give even though I knew what was coming. I just wanted to post my experience here just to show that D3 does not care about it.

    My 1st Response: Hello. I was wondering if someone could take a look at my 5* pull rate from the Legendary Tokens. I believe i havent pulled a 5* in over a month and have pulled probably at least 20-30 classic tokens. As a player currently fully in the 4*-5* game the continuous lack of 5* gains is killing my progression.

    D3 CS Response: Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    Unfortunately, there is no guarantee to obtain rare characters or covers when redeeming recruit tokens or purchasing recruit token packs. The drop rates for each Recruit Token can be found by clicking the "?" icon displayed in their respective stores and are broken down for each featured event. Drop rates can be both good or bad, and the rate at which you pull covers has its own probability. While some probabilities may seem low, they can still occur. Please keep in mind that each Token pull made does not affect the outcome of your following pulls. We are sorry to hear that you didn't get the covers that you were hoping for, and we hope that you have better luck in the future, but there is little we can do regarding this issue.

    We understand your feelings regarding the drop rates. However, please note that probabilities for a given cover are not a guarantee. Since the outcome you observed is among the many possibilities, we will be unable to take any further action regarding this issue.

    My 2nd Response: Thank you for the prompt response. I understand token pulls are no guarantee. Being a nearly day 1 player i obviously understand that and dont think i should be pandered to.

    What i believe however is your system of giving these 5* rewards out solely through these tokens is skewing the players ability to progress. Under your logic, if i never have "good luck" and forever pull nothing but 4*s from your legendary packs then its "oh well!" for the player.

    Its an unfairly designed system that has no other way to circumvent it and earn these 5* rewards in any other fashion. Ive been begging to pull just 1 Old Man Logan yellow cover for months. If there were a viable alternate way to earn it i would wholely understand your argument. But currently i fall under the mercy of rng just to be able to compete in the game that d3 has designed

    D3 CS Response: Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    We are always thankful to receive feedback from players, and we thank you for the information provided.

    We take our customer's feedback very seriously and we will certainly discuss it with the rest of the team and take it into consideration.

    So there we go. D3 did not try to argue that the system doesnt work nor did they even attempt to satisfy a clearly dissatisfied customer. While I am not surprised with the canned response, I am surprised that there was no attempt at appeasement in any way.

    so you did not get any 5 stars what do you want them to do give you 10 of them or even 1 of them... Same could been said 2 years ago with 3 and 4 stars......
  • dfour24
    dfour24 Posts: 23
    I didnt ask for or want anything. I wanted to see if they could have a legitimate answer besides "Our end game is solely based on luck. Good or bad." We already knew this of course but I suppose it was naive to think they might have a better answer.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess they've stopped offering the "one time exemption, cover of your choice"
  • We_are_Venom
    We_are_Venom Posts: 308 Mover and Shaker
    dfour24 wrote:
    I didnt ask for or want anything. I wanted to see if they could have a legitimate answer besides "Our end game is solely based on luck. Good or bad." We already knew this of course but I suppose it was naive to think they might have a better answer.

    I'm so confused. What "legitimate" answer could they give you? It's RNG only, no matter what, I can't wrap my brain around what your expectations were.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    In al fairness, no 5*s in 20 pulls or so is not such a big deviation. Try the person who's gone over 70 pulls. Also, there's no reason to expect CS to discuss with you game design or offer solutions. They are not developers, just people tending customers and they are instructed to liaise with the devs only in unique issues, such as bugs and technical problems, not to argue in behalf of the player base about the design of features that they don't like.

    Is it unfair and a real problem? Yes, but you are barking at the wrong tree there.
  • dfour24
    dfour24 Posts: 23
    Look guys like i said already. We knew what the response was going to be. My goal was to only try to bring these this to light. The same reason for posting my experience on here. I know its rng. I know that bad luck sucks. Its just my hope that tickets submitted like mine and others will get enough attention for some to think that something must change. Thats all.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    fmftint wrote:
    I guess they've stopped offering the "one time exemption, cover of your choice"

    Don't be silly...obviously he just hasn't spent enough money to qualify.
  • morbo
    morbo Posts: 7
    Honestly, I cannot even imagine what other answer you could have been wishing for.
  • aesthetocyst
    aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    slidecage wrote:
    so you did not get any 5 stars what do you want them to do give you 10 of them or even 1 of them... Same could been said 2 years ago with 3 and 4 stars......

    Hardly. There have always been multiple avenues for gaining every rarity in the game, except 5s.

    There were fixed 4* rewards in every PVP ... even way back when there was only 1 4* in the game (and he sucked). 3* covers have been offered in every pvp.

    3*s and 4*s have also been in standards and heroics from the beginning.
    morbo wrote:
    Honestly, I cannot even imagine what other answer you could have been wishing for.

    If MPQ truly was a casino, they would have flipped him a few extra pulls, "on the house".

    When your product is disappointment on demand, giving a little away is no loss at all.
  • dfour24
    dfour24 Posts: 23
    It seems that one of the biggest concerns here is that while D3 CS may not be equipped to address concerns like this, D3 has left us no other format to directly address the problems we have with the game. Dev posts are rare and hardly acknowlegding and community video responses have been non-exhisting for months. We are out of methods for calling for fixes.
  • j0nats
    j0nats Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    Try buying 1 or 2 starks n ask again... you might just get a "favourable" answer
  • dfour24
    dfour24 Posts: 23
    Lol i know right. That would probably be a very accurate statement unfortunately.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    My mind is blown here. You wasted an employees time from legitimate bugs and issues people have to complain that you're on the low end of RNG pulls. You receive not one, but TWO very polite and patient responses. Then you have the gall to come on here and imply their customer service is "dissapointing".

    Do you work? Have you worked a menial job before? Do you think the customer service can or would do ANYTHING about your whine? I don't mean this as a put down, I mean this as a wake up. Sometimes we behave in ways we are unaware of, and need someone else to point our behavior out to us.

    Realize that you wasted workers time, they replied politely to you, then you came on here and tried to slander them. Do you think that's positive behavior? Do you think you're doing the right thing here?
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    d3 is answerable to its owners and them alone. So clearly the way to get any real change done is for players to buy out the publisher (or alternatively force the owners to become players).
  • dfour24
    dfour24 Posts: 23
    wirius wrote:
    My mind is blown here. You wasted an employees time from legitimate bugs and issues people have to complain that you're on the low end of RNG pulls. You receive not one, but TWO very polite and patient responses. Then you have the gall to come on here and imply their customer service is "dissapointing".

    Do you work? Have you worked a menial job before? Do you think the customer service can or would do ANYTHING about your whine? I don't mean this as a put down, I mean this as a wake up. Sometimes we behave in ways we are unaware of, and need someone else to point our behavior out to us.

    Realize that you wasted workers time, they replied politely to you, then you came on here and tried to slander them. Do you think that's positive behavior? Do you think you're doing the right thing here?

    I do work. I am law enforcement in the US Capitol. I know all about what customer service means. Ive worked years in the food industry. For you to come down as rightous are you are toward another person simply for writting an email decribing it as wasting the reps time when they simply auto fill their response anyways is probably an even better example of your positive behavior dig.
  • SuperBatPoohMan
    SuperBatPoohMan Posts: 58
    edited May 2016
    Ok belittling the OP is dumb...the fact of the matter is the d3 CS sucks and has for a long problem has always been the "cookie cutter" responses. ..this is not customer service....and yes i have had to listen to the craziest people complain about the stupidest things...but d3 overall has to be better....and it DOESN'T matter what the OP wants...but when cs responds it should be genuine and show some kind of sympathy ....THAT is customer service. ..not the big middle finger they CONSISTENTLY 2 cents
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well wonders never cease! I was unaware that so many of us have come to accept the reign of RNGesus over the end game.

    For those of you taking jabs at the OP for their "expectations", they already clearly stated they understood what kind of response they would get. I think the OP was indirectly trying to point out that there is no direct avenue of communication to provide worthwhile feedback and ask for better improvements to the game. We either get ignored or scripted responses.

    In terms of game play and design, having the end game be solely RNG determined is a horrible decision. (In terms of money making, perhaps not so much. At least in the short term). I can't imagine how many long terms players they have lost because of this.

    But I guess that's just it. Players not willing to deal with a randomized reward structure for end game progression leave while those that are ok with it or bear it in the hopes of something better to come stay. The recent CW event where it was possible to win 5* covers is a promising sign but that should have been the game plan from the get-go.

    How do you have a Galactus event and not reward Silver Surfer?
    How can they release OML, Phoenix and BSSpidey with no major Story event? All three have classic storylines.

    Having story or alliance events where it is possible for players (I would limit it to more advanced players, sorry new dudes) to earn one 5* cover is not going to suddenly flood the game with usable 5* characters. Especially if they had stuck to their guns and not made 5* purchasable (yes, I am aware it's an "indirect" purchase but existence of buy clubs and players with fully championed 5* is telling enough).

    5* story events would be something for everyone to look forward to. Run them once every two months. Make them challenging and fun.

    It is my humble opinion that the devs mishandled the release of 5* characters.

    First, they should have built content to herald (pun intended) in the arrival of each 5*.
    Second, they should have spread out the release rate of 5* to maybe one every two or three months not the back to back three release of the original three.
    Third, they should have made 5* the top rank reward for PvP events. That would have definitely revitalized competition at the top end of PvP (which has progressively become more and more a game of tea and biscuits. "Mr. Stank I noticed you are worth 65 points would you happen to have your defenses fortified at the moment?" "No, Ms. Peppermint, my troops are currently out at the moment, if you wouldn't mind waiting another hour or so until they return. I'll be sure to be worth a full 75 points for your trouble." "Why certainly Mr. Stank, please do carry on and send word once you're ready for me to knock upon your door." "Why I do say, Ms. Peppermint, I certainly look forward to your visit." And so on.)

    But no, instead, we get 5* added unceremoniously to Legendary Tokens and told these are the odds of the house, take'em or leave'em. The more you spend the better your chances. (Well not really the better your chances, the odds remain the same but you know what I mean. Or do you? lol)

    Anywhoo, back to the matter at hand. Instead of allowing our apathy in regards to the status quo win the day, how about we formulate a way to get the attention of a rather significant flaw in the end game design? Why not take this opportunity to rally the troops and express in an articulate and civil way the frustrations we have with the arbitrary end game that leaves most players feeling burned rather than rewarded for their efforts?

    One popular suggestion has been incorporating a streak breaker.
    I would, as previously mentioned, love to see more 5* release events (and please go back and do events for the other already released 5* characters).

    And of course, to the OP's points, how can we get the attention of the development team in regards to this matter?
  • dfour24
    dfour24 Posts: 23
    Thank you fight4thedream! That kind of response is exactly what i hoped this topic would start. I agree wholeheartedly that a "streakbreaker" would potentially help fix a lot of the 5* concern. For each 4* pulled from ANY legendary token, each successive pull should have a % bonus added and shown visually until the next 5* is pulled. This would not change D3s good luck/bad luck model drastically but it would give the player that light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
This discussion has been closed.