Cover sells should include HP

Banacek555 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
Isn't it about time that covers should not only include ISO when sold but HP too.

In fact - there is HP icon on the covers all ready to go so Devs please implement next update the following sell reward

1* Cover = 10 HP
2* Cover = 50 HP
3* Cover = 100 HP
4* Cover = 250 HP
5* Cover = 500 HP

Fair I think then gives real choice to help everyone struggling to open new slots


  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    Once upon a time, 3/4* covers used to give HP when sold until the dev's got tired of people with strong rosters farming the balls out of these dupes in LR's to promptly secure their future in the game with slots or hoarding HP to instantly cover out new powerhouse characters on release for technically free and roflstomp people that didn't have the powerhouse ready yet which would keep them ahead of the curve on everyone else.

    It's never coming back.
    Banacek555 wrote:

    1* Cover = 0 HP
    2* Cover = 0-1 HP
    3* Cover = 25 HP
    4* Cover = 40-50 HP
    5* Cover = 100 HP

    I'm not being dickish, this is realistically what you would see should it ever return, which they don't want.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Marcus Graves has the right of it. That being said, that was also a time when HP was worth a lot more than it is now. Let's be honest; HP is basically good for roster slots and shields now and that's about it. I don't think it's unreasonable to change perspective on the value of sold covers. "But what will stop the developed rosters from stomping all over everyone else to get those covers" you ask? Umm...that already happens, so really nothing would change at all.

    Gee, it's too bad we don't have something like tiered rewards and/or league play to allow people to compete with one another for rewards they need rather than everyone new and old alike fighting for the same pie...
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    Here's a likely response from the developers about this request...
    You can already get HP for your covers. Once you champion a character, you can sell it for some HP. The higher the champion level, the higher the HP.

    Oh and here's what they will leave out. It is an incredible waste of iso and iso is a very valuable commodity.

    On the positive side, if you are short 25-50 hp for a new roster slot, you can sell a champed two star to get the difference. Again huge waste of iso. But if it's an extra slot for an expiring 4* or 5*, it might be worth it? Also you know you will get back the 2* in no time considering how often they are rewarded.