Enemy levels and last update

I've been having a terrible Hulk event: Whenever I went into any subEvent, even the first fight started at level 100 or so, and went up from there. Given that my best character, all things considered, was a Thor, I was taking way too much damage to really farm for points. In the last big event, I landed easily into the 2 black panther tier, and went top 5 in multiple sub-events. In this repeat of Hulk, it's already impossible for me to catch up enough to get a single 3* thor cover. I tried classic suicidal tactics, throwing my 30 member roster at the enemy and retreating, and the results were minimal at best. The best I got was lowering the easy sub-events to start at level 70, and that's after downing over 20 characters.

But today, I updated the app, and what used to be level 100s is now level 40s. So I pretty much walk all over them.

So, can an update cause such dramatic update in scaling? Was I in some kind of PvE MMR equivalent of hell?


  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Often, turning the app off completely for awhile can reset it.
  • idk, I updated my app and all of the enemies are the same level. this snikt is almost unplayable.

    got damn, I have four matches that are vs 200s, then every other match in every bracket is 230.

  • I'm having the opposite experience. In the last event I was in the 200+ club almost exclusively.

    In this Hulk I'm seeing 'normal' scaling. Still topping out at 230, but starting out around 110, which is fine for my roster.

    So I am guessing that doing poorly in one event impacts your personal scaling in the next, and vice versa, but it's a little early to tell.
  • My levels went down before I updated my client
  • allorin wrote:
    So I am guessing that doing poorly in one event impacts your personal scaling in the next, and vice versa, but it's a little early to tell.

    The most direct comparison I can do is the main map missions for me, which went from 45-50 the last two cycles to 100-120 this one, after doing relatively well (top 200 in all, top 100 in one) in the last couple of cycles. I'm not sure I'll be top 800 this round; I've only done the BP mission (albeit three times) in the hard sub, and done most of them in the easy. The only other change I can think of is my top level has gone from 75 to 76, but I can't imagine, even if they use tanges to set these, that that could effect things nearly this much.