Best way to let the Devs know they're doing a terrible job?

Frustrated1 Posts: 68 Match Maker
edited May 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Since they don't read the forum, I was curious.





  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Stop playing / stop spending.
    Those are the only things that matter to the beancounters.
  • Frustrated1
    Frustrated1 Posts: 68 Match Maker
    That's the sad part. I WANT to play AND give them my money. But they consistently show there's less and less reason to do so.

    Talking to my alliance. A lot of them are saying this event was their last.
  • We_are_Venom
    We_are_Venom Posts: 308 Mover and Shaker
    I don't really understand what the outage is.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    That's the sad part. I WANT to play AND give them my money. But they consistently show there's less and less reason to do so.

    Talking to my alliance. A lot of them are saying this event was their last.

    Good. Go. GO. Seriously, you and a number of others are toxic. Go away, because you bring nothing to the game.

    I'm dead serious, leave. If THIS event is the one that makes you hate the game - THIS one, the one where they've been more generous than anything else - then LEAVE. This game is obviously not the one for you. They're not going to change their policies. They're not going to make giant sweeping changes for most likely a great deal of months, not until they've churned out more 4* and 5* characters and basically hit a wall with how many characters there are. Leave. It will be better for you. There are SO many other games that playing one you constantly - and I do mean constantly - complain about is foolish in the extreme. Play something you consider fun.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    Judging from Frustrated1's post history, he's just a troll.

    I'm surprised he hasn't quoted "You're supposed to lose" yet. icon_mrgreen.gificon_lol.gif
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    Paying bills is the only thing that reflect the quality of the product.
    Lets hope constructive criticism is being readed and knowledge gained will be somehow implemented in future updates. Threatening would not help much i think.
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    The reward system on this event is quite good. I'm in a casual alliance, we won't be able to get the 5*, but we've managed to get the 3 4* ant-Man Covers. Thats a lot of rewards considering that every PvE event you have to grind for hours to get 3*.

    The only thing I don't like from this event (and any PvE event for that matter) is the scaling, I'm unable to play anymore, I can't face lvl 250+. well, I could defeat some of the nodes and get some extra points, but its so frustrating that I can't bother myself to play anymore.

    Summing up, I'm happy with the rewards from "THIS" event, but not happy with the insane scaling that has been in the game since forever. We are punished for progressing, shame.
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    While the OP is obviously just angry, there is an important point buried in here.

    The Dev's clearly do not respond to criticism from the forum, Constructive or otherwise. And while just quitting the game would work (If enough people actually did it) that seems like the nuclear option. There are lots of people who enjoy the bones of the game but are frustrated with how it is being run.

    From a personal point of view I find their economy of scarcity a poor decision, at least how they are implementing it at this 4*+ level.

    I also don't think they realize how frustrating it is to play a game where fights don't get easy the more powerful you get. I think the best example of en economy that seems to understand this is MMO's. They add in a new tier of difficultly whenever players reach the top.... That way people are always striving to compete, but they don't feel like they are stuck in the same place. "Scaling" is a bad word ... and something that should be avoided. Look toward the prolog for an example of how the game could actually look. The fights don't scale, they get harder the farther in you get... if you want to go back to the start and stomp on easy fights then good for you. At least you can gauge how far you are.

    I could go on with issues in the game.... but the point is that the OP is right (In his angry way). The dev's don't listen and they don't care. So I guess if you can't handle that you do have to quit... kinda sad because I'm getting to that point. But the fact is that we will ALL get to that point sometime, that's just how games work.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    What exactly are you so upset about?

    Civil War is probably the best event we have had since the game launched IMO.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    brisashi wrote:
    What exactly are you so upset about?

    Civil War is probably the best event we have had since the game launched IMO.

    He is probably frustrated at the ongoing problem in this game, the abusive scaling that stops the game from being fun.

    In this event, if they didn't want people getting too many rewards then the more sensible approach would have been to make the point targets higher or increase the boss levels faster, the sub nodes should have been relatively simple gatekeepers as befits their low prizes and low points relative to the boss fights.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    This event had everything to be the best of all this boss battle events, prices specially were really great, the concept, the chars, but for some strange reason Devs think this game should be really hard and be the Dark Souls of the mobile games. This 'you have to lose mentality', and I think this is really hurting the game.

    Scaling is still a big issue and has not been fixed. I have two 5s I would level (I already leveled one) but I am afraid to do because most probably would destroy my PvE experience (specially in the new format they want to set no matter what) and my MMR rating. This is probably the only game I have played where I am afraid of leveling my chars.
  • Trelocke
    Trelocke Posts: 8
    Good. Go. GO. Seriously, you and a number of others are toxic. Go away, because you bring nothing to the game.

    With all due You're mistaking frustration with toxicity and quite frankly your sunshine and rainbows attitude brings nothing to the game. If there is only ever admiration and praise, there is no motivation for change.
    I'm dead serious, leave. If THIS event is the one that makes you hate the game - THIS one, the one where they've been more generous than anything else - then LEAVE.

    If this is your idea of generous then I'm sorry but you're experiencing a Stockholm Sydrome-esk relationship with the developers that are so stingy with rewards it's almost comical. And they aren't just stingy with the rewards they give us, they are stingy with the rewards we pay for. I can pay $100 for a Mother Lode of ISO and still not have enough to fully level a 3-star character. Do you realize the utter insanity behind that logic? I could literally give them more money than I pay for the mortgage on my house in a month and not even put a dent into powering up my roster.
    There are SO many other games that playing one you constantly - and I do mean constantly - complain about is foolish in the extreme. Play something you consider fun.

    Is it really so hard to understand that we can be extremely frustrated with aspects of a game while enjoying others? There are so many aspects about this game that are extremely enjoyable, extremely satisfying, and extremely fun. But there are some aspects that are so frustrating and disheartening that for a lot of players they start to outweigh the good. We don't want to leave; we don't want to stop giving them money so we come here to voice our frustrations in hopes that things will change. Then, when the devs refuse to even interact with us (and their reasons for not doing so are so completely disjointed from reality it's pathetic) it only adds to the frustration.

    So no, we're not going to leave. And we're not going to stop complaining. Even if individually some do, there will always, always, always be a portion of the player base that is frustrated with the broken aspects of this game and will come here to voice their frustration. Telling us to go away isn't productive. Ignoring our frustrations (like the devs do by refusing to interact with us) or acting as if our frustrations are silly or foolish (as you're doing) is what's toxic.

    As to the OP's question, I don't know if there is a best way. I do as much as I can to voice my frustrations. I take their surveys, I make sure to tell them things like I wouldn't recommend the game to others, I rate their game with 1-star on the app store and explain myself there as well. As one person it probably doesn't mean much. But if everyone that enjoys this game and wants to see its problems fixed did these same things, I would think it would make a difference. 1-star ratings effect their visibility and ranking on the app stores meaning less people see them meaning fewer potential new customers. Telling them you wouldn't recommend the game is another metric they watch as it also effects their potential to bring in new customers. So if you do love the game and aren't just complaining to complain, take the couple of minutes it takes to do these things when they give you the opportunities. 1-star ratings. Would not recommend the game to others. Civilly explain your frustrations. In the end they either make the changes and the game gets better or they don't and your frustrations were going to cause you to leave at some point anyway. The only thing I know for sure is that if you do nothing things absolutely won't get better.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Locking this thread as I do believe this is the second overtly-negative, non-constructive post by Frustrated1 in the last 24 hours (the other one was removed). While I understand the frustrations with some of the game's design choices, this is not the way to address them. If you wish to leave constructive feedback, please do so in the Suggestions and Feedback forum.

    Non-productive negative posts such as this will not be tolerated. Consider this a friendly warning.

    Your friendly neighborhood fight4thedream
This discussion has been closed.