Willbreaker Bugs

span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
I've been testing Willbreaker in Tezzeret to try to find a good deck. I was playing in Story mode against Chandra under the Planeswalker Challenges (ie. the Level 50 one) and the following bugs surfaced with Willbreaker:

Bug 1 - Willbreaker + Claustrophobia
When Willbreaker's ability triggers while I have Claustrophobia on the board, sometimes the opponent's first creature stays disabled even after been swapped over and then doesn't attack. I can't seem to identify a pattern as to when it triggers.

Bug 2 - Willbreaker + Mage-Ring Responder
When Willbreaker's ability triggers on an opponent's Mage-Ring Responder, the swapped over MRR is suddenly able to attack despite neither side making a 5-match. MRR then remains able to attack until the end of the opponent's turn (which usually leads to MRR's direct damage ability killing Willbreaker lol). But unless Willbreaker is intentionally supposed to remove attack restrictions, this should be a bug.


  • HomeRn
    HomeRn Posts: 330 Mover and Shaker
    Interactions with claustrophobia sounds new to me, so I cannot answer that one.

    The interactions with cards that have restrictions on attacking however, is something I have seen before - not just with the MRR. That will cause the restriction to be lifted... which is definitely a bug (a bad one at that as you do not want to play it now)!
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    I've got one that I can add, I'm not sure if it's an actual bug or just a weird situation.

    If you grab an opponent's creature and then cast turn to frog it will remain as your creature.