Civil War Story: Too hard!!

I'm only on Round 3 of Civil War Team Cap and I can't play most of the nodes. They're requiring 4* characters to play! I don't have 4* characters. I'm still building up a 3* roster. I checked Team Iron Man just for fun and there's only one or two nodes I can play. This is not fun. They should make a story that's playable for average 3* rosters, not just for those 4* rosters on killer alliances.


  • lomgamer
    lomgamer Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    For how long are you playing?
  • DrDoMe
    DrDoMe Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Couldn't disagree more, I think that event was nearly perfect. The sub nodes got harder over time, regardless of your progress or lack thereof. And yeah, they got pretty hard near the end, but I was able to clear every node without using 4-stars except where they were mandatory. And that was only 1-2 of the five nodes. Our group had about 8 active players, only 4 of whom actually hit the full progression, and we were able to finish stage 6. Great event, more like it please!