Kiora available in vault but...

Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
edited June 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
I was waiting for this moment.
Ajani was about to expire so I thought kiora would be put in vault cause it was released after Garruck that was already available.

I was thinking what will I do...
Gideon ally was another target and I did doubt to b able to buy both with my 700 HARDLY GATHERED crystals.
Ok if kiora costs double the amount(500) probably I will buy her first and Gideon right after I get 50 more crystals... Ok we will see.

Then I see the price on vault. 950 crystals. -.-'
That is absolutely ridiculous.
I could understand double the price of standard mono color pwalkers.
Almost quadruple price? No way I will buy a pwalker at that price.


  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    Considering the price in cash when she was initially introduced. Is there any surprise?
  • Ethyde
    Ethyde Posts: 31
    Considering the price in cash when she was initially introduced. Is there any surprise?

    Price in cash are not the same for everyone, it depends on geographical factor and mysterious exchange rate and VAT, but not in crystal ? Well it's not very fair icon_e_wink.gif
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, the 950 crystal price tag was pretty depressing.
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    lol, I wasn't even willing to buy the other ones for 250. To each there own but I care more about the cards and trying to get more of them.
  • Lucidum
    Lucidum Posts: 3
    I was so excited for Kiora. Figured she'd be 500, maybe 750.

    Holy ****. This killed any excitement I had. I have 735 crystals saved up. Not even willing to buy the rest I need. The prices in this game are too high, which is a shame because I enjoy it and would spend money if they were reasonable. I guess they're happy with less people spending more money.
  • warcin72
    warcin72 Posts: 7
    For me i would rather spend my crystals on these then on card and just try to get in the top 150 in the events to get the guaranteed rare. That way i always know what I am buying and don't get frustrated if I get nothing useful.
  • Rootbreaker
    Rootbreaker Posts: 396
    Snap bought her, having a blast with her.

    I had 3k+ saved up through the story and daily rewards. I've only ever bought two big boxes (before the drop rate nerf - and got some good stuff) and some of the other planeswalkers. Buying cards for crystals is just so damn inefficient. I don't want to spend my crystals there for the same reason people don't want to spend money on them.
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    Unfortunately you get more value for your crystal on planewalkwer than dupe filled pack and low rates. A good pw will make accumulate rares faster than packs imo
  • Rootbreaker
    Rootbreaker Posts: 396
    I'm not convinced she's significantly faster at winning than any of my previous decks, but she does seem more consistent, doesn't need healing, and is more exciting to play.

    Currently running

    Harbinger of the Tides
    Herald of the Pantheon

    Nissa's Pilgrimage
    Yavimaya Coast
    Fertile Thicket
    Prism Array

    Natural Connection
    Day's Undoing
    Talent of the Telepath
    Turn to Frog

    The deck basically casts days undoing a few times, which often generates mana from the free Natural Connections and Fertile Thickets. It also generates a lot of matches which builds up loyalty.

    The other cards sort of create an engine which lets me quickly generate loyalty while holding off my opponents team and getting life, while drawing to the next Day's Undoing.

    Once I get to Octopi, I slam them down and stop casting spells (to speed up the game).

    Most of my time is spent waiting though - if additional card draws resolved instantly instead of slowly, this would be a much quicker deck.

    It's a very fun deck though.
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    Currently running...

    I have a very similar deck, only had enough runes for ~40 levels though so I decided to make the deck as cheap as possible to offset slightly lower mana production. Ran through all the main story challenges to get the complete with blue/green objectives and only have problems with the final PW challenges, haven't been able to do the one with the hexproof creature and the reinforce support in play with this deck.

    Herald of the Pantheon (7)

    Day's Undoing (6)
    Talent of the Telepath (5)
    Disperse (4)
    Natural Connection (3)
    Coastal Discovery (3+12)
    Rush of Ice (1+12)

    Sphinx's Tutelage (6)
    Nissa's Pilgrimage (3)
    Fertile Thicket (2)

    I had anticipated tutelage combo-ing with days undoing, but unfortunately they don't have any hand when you draw your 5 cards. I may replace with more bounce, either the awaken one for 6 or Harbinger.

    I'd really like to get Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper or Undergrowth Champion for this deck.
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    MADAFAKA wrote:
    A good pw will make accumulate rares faster than packs imo

    I just don't see how that is possible at least for me anyway. I can do just fine in the QB with ones I already have so I can collect rares both ways.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had a similar reaction when I saw her pricing. I'm not caring for the direction the game is going, at the moment.
  • alextfish
    alextfish Posts: 192
    250 crystals seems completely fine for the normal planeswalkers. You can accumulate 190 crystals a month simply by logging in every day. If you do a couple of story achievements or a few colour-challenge achievements you can easily get 250 crystals per month without ever touching Quick Battle. Gaining one new planeswalker per month seems fine for free players.

    950... means I'd be waiting about 4 months to save up for her. (Well, I had ~600 crystals saved up because I was interested to see what price her, and Ajani, would be. So still about 2 months.) It's hard to justify that, but the play experience certainly would be different.

    I'll probably just get one or two of the other 'walkers. I'd like Tezzeret but without Thopter Spy Network I don't think the deck would work, and there's no hope of ever getting TSN. I'd like Gideonv2 but I suspect I'd need to find some BFZ rares from somewhere to make him work. No point in Garruk because my problem with green is the cardpool, not the 'walker. I'll probably get someone like Koth, who looks fun with first strikers and I actually have some of them in his colours.

    Madafaka was right - you get more value for your crystals with a planewalker than a fat pack, which with the reduced rare droprates will probably get you 2 duplicate rares, or might maybe get you a new rare and a new uncommon if you're lucky.
  • nyaa
    nyaa Posts: 19
    alextfish wrote:
    I'd like Gideonv2 but I suspect I'd need to find some BFZ rares from somewhere to make him work.
    While I agree (to some extent) to most of your other comments, I'd like to point out that if it is just quick battles that you are interested in, Gideon v2 is pretty good even without rares / mythics. Mine goes something like: -

    Enshrouding Mist
    Smite the Monstrous
    Lumbering Falls
    Serene Steward
    Kor Entangler
    Angel of Renewal
    Kor Bladewhirl
    Cliffside Lookout
    Yavimaya Coast
    Canopy Vista

    Yes, Canopy Vista and Lumbering Vista are rares but those could be replaced with other reasonable mana generators. The rest are commons / uncommons (some of which I have multiple copies of). Of those, I'd say that the "core" lies in: -
    1. Enshrouding Mist (combos with Gideon v2's first ability and helps against reach / vigilance / berserk)
    2. Smite the Monstrous (a ridiculously efficient removal)
    3. Kor Entangler (actually pretty decent ability especially against vigilance, reach, berserk, etc.)

    Serene Steward and Angel of Renewal is the obvious combo though in my experience, I don't think I won the game due to the combo (though Serene Steward is insanely efficient on her own).

    I went to a 64 game streak before losing to... disconnect icon_e_sad.gif

    If I have access to more cards, I will probably want things like: -
    1. Lantern Scout (another efficient creature with a good ability that combos with the Steward)
    2. Hero of Goma Fed (too tempting not to play this badass mythic)
    3. Resolute Blademaster (double strike can be a killer especially with Gideon's 2nd ability activating it easily)
    4. Veteran Warleader (brutal)
    5. Noyan Dar (iffy but I'd like to try it)