Blackout 4*

Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2016 in Speculation and Concepts

Blackout (Darkforce)

HP: 13940 (lvl 270) - all abilities are listed as max level as well

redflag.png Go For The Throat: 9 AP - Blackout uses his demonic strength and enhanced claws to rip at his victim's throats in a killing blow. Deals 1100 damage to target.
2 covers: 1500 damage
3 covers: 2200 damage
4 covers: 3200 damage and stuns the target for 1 round.
5 covers: 4200 damage and reduces the target's AP in their strongest color by 50% (include 1 round stun from previous level as well).

blueflag.png Extinguish the Light: 7 AP - Blackout cannot stand the light and uses his powers to bring the darkness forth. Convert 3 random yellow tiles to black and deal 250 damage to the enemy team for each tile converted.
2 covers: Convert 4 random tiles.
3 covers: Convert 6 random tiles.
4 covers: Convert 7 random tiles.
5 covers: Convert all yellow tiles to black.

blackflag.png The Darkness: Passive - The pitch black darkness heals the corrupt demon while preventing his opponents from doing the same, however the light burns him. Heal 500 damage per turn if there are more than 9 black tiles on the board at the start of your turn. Lose 700 health if there are more than 5 yellow tiles on the board at the start of your turn. If there are more than 9 black tiles on the board at the start of your turn, generates 1 red AP.
2 covers: Heal 700 damage if there are more than 9 black tiles and lose 700 if there are more than 6 yellow tiles on the board.
3 covers: Heal 950 damage if there are more than 8 black tiles and lose 700 if there are more than 6 yellow tiles on the board.
4 covers: Heal 1250 damage if there are more than 8 black tiles and lose 700 if there are more than 7 yellow tiles on the board.
5 covers: Heal 1400 damage if there are more than 7 black tiles and lose 700 if there are more than 7 yellow tiles on the board. If there are more than 7 black tiles on the board, your opponents may not heal through passive or active powers.

So if this character existed, what build would you guys make him?


  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    I'm not sure what kind of build I'll use, but this guy is definitely great for teaming up with Blade, Luke Cage, or any characters that need to feed on Black AP =P
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    The AP destruction in red may be a bit much (that was removed from XF Wolvie a long while back) especially when it's a specific color. If it were to stay, I'd reduce it to a flat 3 in a random color, especially when your still including the 1/3 damage increase from rank 4 to rank 5.

    For black, I would go like this. Keep the heal with black tiles, but remove the red AP generation. Add blue AP generation to yellow. "As the light intensifies, Blackout desperately seeks darkness, generating 1 bluetile.png (based on number of yellowtile.png ) and losing 700 health." Healing and gaining power for his direct damage all at once would be too much benefit, while feeding the blue so he can extinguish the light that's burning him just makes sense to me.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    zodiac339 wrote:
    The AP destruction in red may be a bit much (that was removed from XF Wolvie a long while back) especially when it's a specific color. If it were to stay, I'd reduce it to a flat 3 in a random color, especially when your still including the 1/3 damage increase from rank 4 to rank 5.

    For black, I would go like this. Keep the heal with black tiles, but remove the red AP generation. Add blue AP generation to yellow. "As the light intensifies, Blackout desperately seeks darkness, generating 1 bluetile.png (based on number of yellowtile.png ) and losing 700 health." Healing and gaining power for his direct damage all at once would be too much benefit, while feeding the blue so he can extinguish the light that's burning him just makes sense to me.

    That's true but Wolverine damage is way more at level 270 than 4200. I know Wolv Black is 11 AP. Wolverine was nerfed too much as well and he could use the AP destruction again. I could probably settle with 3 AP from the target's strongest color instead of 50%.

    I like the red AP feed as it forces opponents to match black to keep it in check. I think that if anything I would consider reducing the yellow to black conversion on his blue power and maybe changing the damage or nixing the damage on blue to one character instead of the whole team. Keep in mind the red AP feed only fires if there are 10 black tiles on the board and it is only 1 AP.

    Do you really think he is way over power compared to top tier 4* like Iceman, Hulkbuster, JG etc?
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    The enemy will already be trying to control black to keep the heal in check. Actually, moving AP generation to the yellow part is probably more broken, especially if blue was AOE (I hadn't noticed that). Hmm, difficult balance.